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中级笔译3. 英译汉技巧 3.1 选词技巧 3.1.1 根据词性选词 He is up in mathematics. 他精通数学。 They went up wind. 他们迎风而行。 The ship is sailing up the river. 这船正向河的上游航行。 The new museum is up and opens to the public. 新博物馆已落成开放。 We all have our ups and downs. 命运盛衰无定。(人生总有起起落落) Prices are being upped by 20 %. 价格上涨了百分之二十。 She upped and threw the teapot at him. 她跳起来, 将茶壶向他掷去。 3.1.2 根据搭配选词 good soil 肥沃的土壤 a good money 真的货币 a good river 畅通的河道 a heavy eater   食量大的人 heavy food   难消化的食物 That beat me. 真把我难住了。 We can beat them. 我们可以打败他们。 3.1.3 根据上下文选词 No context, no text. His spoken English isn’t good enough because of lack of exposure. 他的英语口语不太好,因为缺乏英语环境。 Throughout centuries London has claimed to be the foremost city of the world. 几个世纪以来, 伦敦堪称世界一流城市。 Oxford claims a large share in the making of England. 牛津大学对英国的发展贡献很大。 The explosion claimed more than twenty lives. 这次爆炸使20多人丧生。 An aggressive country is always ready to start a war. 一个好侵略的国家总是挑起战争。 An aggressive young man can go far in our firm. 一个富有进取心的年轻人在我们公司前途无量。 The illegal search was an invasion of their civil liberties. 那次非法搜查是对他们公民自由权的侵犯。 Our conference did in the end make detailed plans for the invasion. The date was to be 1May, 1944. 我们的会议最后确实制定了进攻的详细计划, 进攻日期定在1944 年5 月1日。 3.2 增词技巧 3.2.1增加适当的数量词、单字重叠或其他表示复数概念的词。如:“们、一批、许多、几次、几个、大量、之类、一些、那些、各种、种种”等。 A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮红曰从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。 the Soviet Union,the United States, England and France 苏、美、英、法四国 In spite of the difficulties, our task was got over well. 虽然有各种困难,但我们的任务已顺利完成。 3.2.2 增加宾语。 英语不及物动词有隐含宾语,译成汉语时往往需要把它清楚表达出来。 to wash before meal 饭前洗手 Day after day she came to her work - sweeping, scrubbing and cleaning. 她每天来干活——扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。 3.2.3 翻译英语省略句时,根据汉语习惯增加省略的部分。 We won’t retreat, we never have a


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