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Division分译 Modifiers in a long English sentence often consist of attributives, adverbials, attributive and adverbial clauses ect. If a modifier is too long to deal with, we can divide it into several parts, then translate them into Chinese clause. What emerged from this realization was a new method of planning and development in which designers learned that they first had to indentify the purpose and performance expectation before they could develop all the parts that made up the system as a whole. 在这一认识的基础上产生了一种计划于开发的新方法,该方法使设计人员明白必须确定该系统的目的和预期功效,然后才可以组成整个系统的各个部门。 上例详解:本句的主语是“What emerged from this realization ”,是一个主语从句;表语部分当中,“in which designers…as a whole” 为限制性定语从句。在这个限制性定语从句中还含有一个宾语从句“that they first… as a whole”, 由连词”that”引导,作动词“learned”的宾语。而在这个宾语从句中又有一个时间状语从句,由连词”before”引导,其中从句的“that made up the system as a whole”意思是“组成整个系统的”。 There are swift flowing rivers, slow, sluggish rivers, mighty rivers with several mouths, rivers that carry vast loads of alluvium(冲积土) to the sea, clear, limpid rivers, rivers that at some reasons of the year have very much more water than at others. 有的河水流湍急,有的河流速缓慢,有的河出海口有好几处,有的河带着大量冲积土入海,有的河清澈见底,有的河水量在一年中的某些季节较少,而在某些季节却多得很。 exercises 1.The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run an electric motor, is almost unbelievable. 鱼能发电,其能量足以点亮小电灯,甚至能开动马达,这简直令人难以置信。 2.television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. 人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学和政治的必威体育精装版动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷,既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。 Comprehensive use of different techniques 综合译法 如果有些长句用上述方法翻译都不妥当,那么可按时间先后,或按逻辑顺序,有顺有逆,主次分明地对全文进行综合处理。对长句意义层次进行分析。弄清句中究竟讲了多少件事,将长句分解为语义相对完整的单句,分析各个单句之间的语义逻辑关系,然后用合乎汉语表达习惯的排列方式对各个单句进行重新组合。 汉语的顺序是: 1. 先发生先说,后发生后说 2. 先说试试,后说评价 3. 先说因后说果 4. 先说条件后说推断 5. 先说手段后说目的 6. 先说反面后说正面 As regards health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little exper


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