九年级英语牛津版9 初三英语首轮复习课件 (9A Unit 5).ppt

九年级英语牛津版9 初三英语首轮复习课件 (9A Unit 5).ppt

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九年级英语牛津版9 初三英语首轮复习课件 (9A Unit 5)

初三英语首轮复习 (9A Unit 5) 目标呈现 1. To revise some important words, phrases and sentences in this unit. 2. To revise the past perfect tense and some sentence structures. Audrey Hepburn 话题简述 要点: 奥黛丽·赫本不仅在美国, 而且在世界上的其他地方都很著名; 她于1929年出生于比利时; 1953年被选在好莱坞影片《罗马假日》中担任女主角,扮演年轻的公主;影片大获成功,奥黛丽立即成名,并因在该片中的这个角色赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖; 她把很多时间贡献给了慈善事业;她于1993年逝世。 话题简述 Audrey Hepburn is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world. Audrey was born in Belgium in 1929. In 1953 , she was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday. The film was a big success. Audrey became famous instantly. She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the film. She devoted much of her time to charity. Audrey died in 1993. 词汇识记 Read the new words together(p.134). 词汇识记 根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词 She is not only a great actress, but also a _____________(人道主义者). After Roman Holiday, Audrey Hepburn became famous ____________(立即). Yao Ming is very _____________(有经验的) in playing football. The whole country were all__________(哀悼) Cong Fei’s death deeply. Jack was ______________(授予) with the Medal of Hero because he saved others’ lives. 6. Can you buy some ___________(爆米花) for me on your way home? humanitarian immediately experienced mourning presented popcorn 词汇识记 根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词 7. We can call this kind of movies ________(west) films. At the age of 63, Audrey passed away ____________ (peace) in her sleep. 9. Although Mary is not a beauty, many people say she has charm and is ____________(attract). 10. The knock on the door broke the __________(silent) in the room just now. 11. Gong Li is considered as a _________(talent) actress. 12. Edison was well-known because of his special _____________ (achieve) in science. western peacefully attractive silence talented achievements 课文诵读 Read the text (p.82-83), Part A3 (p.93) and Part B ( p.93) by yourselves.



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