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3. 无特殊疑问词;谓语动词have to add。 因此应将助动词do提前。 Q: Do we have to add sugar or honey? A: Yes,we can add two spoons of sugar. 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. We need to pour the water into the grass ____ (one). 2. ______ (final), she found her book under the bed. 3. I need two ________ (tomato) to make salad. first Finally tomatoes 二、根据汉语提示填词。 1. Is it a _________ (传统的) food in China? 2. He cut some _____ (片) of meat and gave them to the boy. 3. How many _______ (火鸡) can you see over there? 4. He doesn’t eat ______ (洋葱) and ______ (生菜). traditional pieces turkeys lettuce onions prepare [pr?pe?] v.使做好准备准备 prepare for 为…做准备 exam [?ɡz?m] 考试 flu [flu?] 流行性感冒 available [?ve?l?bl] 有空的; another time 其他时间 until [?nt?l] 到...时;直到…为止 hang [h??] (hung [h??] )悬挂;垂下 hang out 闲逛 catch [k?t?] 及时赶上;接住;抓住 invite [?nva?t] 邀请 accept [?ksept] 接受 refuse [r?fju?z] 拒绝 Unit 9 the words of P66and P67 Homework: 1.背诵P 66、67单词 2.改上次考试卷,中午抄薛东芳作文在试卷上,(有报纸的明天上课默作文) 3.翻译P65 的 图片、1a、1c(用蓝色圆珠笔) 4.完成高效课堂P85、86 的预习导学及合作研讨(学知识点,划知识点) * 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Listen and circle the words you hear. 1c First butter Next Then Finally 1d Listen again. Write the ingredients材料 in the order you hear them. one tomato lettuce ★ another piece of bread an onion cheese First, put some butter on a piece of bread. How much butter? About one spoon. Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich. 1e Homework: 1.与小组长背诵P61、P62单词,知识点 2.完成高效课堂P79 P80. 4.课本section B 2b\2c Thanksgiving [θ??ksg?v??] 感恩节 traditional [tr?‘d???nl] 传统的 autumn [‘?:t?m] 秋天 traveler [tr?v?l?] 旅行者 England [??ɡl?nd] 英国 celebrate [‘sel?bre?t] 庆祝 mix [miks ] 混合 pepper [‘pep?] 胡椒粉 fill [f?l] 装满 oven [‘?vn] 烤箱 plate [pleit] 盘子 cover [k?v?] 遮盖,盖子, gravy [ɡre?vi] 肉汁;肉汤 serve [s??v] 接待,服务 temperature [tem pri t??] 温度,气候 ? . P79 预习导学:1. 2. 3. P80 课后练习2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


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