人教版七年级下unit5Section B 2 公开课.ppt

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人教版七年级下unit5Section B 2 公开课

Animals are our friends. We live (居住) in the same(相 同) small world(世界). To love animals is to love ourselves (我们自己). 1. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. had: “曾经有;过去有” (have的过去式形式) 意味着“现在(泰国)国旗上已不再有白象了” I had a headache. 我头疼。 2. People say that “an elephant never forgets”. 人们说“大象从来不会忘记”。 大象的记忆力出众,我们人类望尘莫及。因此 大凡说到记忆力,英美人士往往用大象来进行 比喻。 Jack never forgets anything. He has a memory like an elephant. 杰克从来不忘事,他的记忆力好得惊人。 (杰克从来不忘事,他的记忆力像大象一样好。) 3. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. lost:形容词,意为“迷路的,丢失的” be/get lost: “丢失;走失;迷路” What bad luck! My keys are lost again. 真是倒霉!我的钥匙又丢了。 根据汉语提示完成句子。 The boy ____ ____ (迷路) and he couldn’t find his way home. got lost Practise 4. But elephants are in great danger. danger: 名词,“危险” (be) in danger: “面临危险” be in (big/great) danger: “处于(极大)危险 之中” (be) out of danger: “脱离危险” dangerous: 形容词,“危险的” Firefighters (消防员) are often in great danger. The doctors say he’s now out of danger. It’s dangerous to swim in the river. 5. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. made of…:“由……制作(制造)” 当made of…作定语限定修饰名词时,必须放在该名词之后。语法将其称作“后置定语” 如:a boat made of paper 这个风筝是用纸做的。 The kite __ ____ __ paper. 黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。 Butter __ ____ ____ milk. be made of “由……制成”,看得出原材料 be made from“由……制成”,看不出原材 料 Practise is made of is made from 6. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. so和because都是连词,可用来连接两个表示因果关系的句子,但so引导的分句表示结果,而because引导的分句表示原因 英语中,because和so不可出现在同一个句子中,但它们引导的句子可互相转换 My mother is ill, so I can’t go to the park with you. = I can’t go to the park with you, because my mother is ill. 7. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). 有关3,000和10,000的读法 3,000可使用thousand一词(表示“千”),读作three thousand 英语中没有单独的词汇表达“万”的概念,必须通过“thousand”转换表述 1,000,000则只能使用thousand,读作: one hundred thousand over: 介词,表示“(在数目、数值、程度等方面) 超过,多于” “在……上方”,通常指在物体的垂直上方,但不与物体表面接触 There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。 Jim’s grandfather is over seventy years old. 吉姆的爷爷七十多岁了。 课时重点回顾 first lag,


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