人教版九年级Unit6Section A (3a-4c)教案.doc

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人教版九年级Unit6Section A (3a-4c)教案

Unit 6 When was it invented? 第三课时: Section A (3a-4c) Learning Goals: 一、功能Functions: 学生能够掌握并运用一般过去时的被动语态,掌握快读,细读等阅读技巧。 词汇和常用表达Words and expressions: 掌握并应用以下单词,如:accidental, nearly, ruler, remain, smell, trade, doubt, fridge, by accident, take place, all of a sudden and so on. 三、学习策略strategies: 借助多媒体,使用自学、合作、任务等多种方式引领学生学习,体现其主体地位。 文化知识culture: 初步了解中国茶文化的起源与传播。 (设计意图:概括学习内容,明确教学目标) Teaching and learning steps Step 1.Preview and testing 预习检测 一. Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. As Chinese society developed and progressed, tea production has played a role in driving economic development while tea consumption has remained a practice of daily life. History of Chinese Tea The history of Chinese tea is a long and gradual story of refinement. Generations of growers and producers have perfected the Chinese way of manufacturing tea, and its many unique regional variations. The original idea is credited to the legendary Emperor ShenNong, who is said to have lived 5 000 years ago. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution. A story goes that, one summer day, while visiting a distant part of his realm, he and the court stopped to rest. In accordance with his ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from a nearby bush fell into the boiling water, and a brown substance was infused into the water. As a scientist, the Emperor was interested in the new liquid, drank some, and found it very refreshing. And so, according to legend, tea was created in 2737 BC. Chinese Tea Types The main varieties of Chinese tea are classified as green tea, black tea, Wulong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and reprocessed tea. (设计意图:课前了解中国茶文化的起源与种类,既能提高学生的学习积极性,又能降低阅读的难度。) 二. Put the Chinese into English orally, then write them down without looking at your book. 1.你知道茶,世界上最受欢迎的饮料(仅次于水),是偶然被发明的吗? _____________________________________________________________ 2.据说


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