人教版选修7unit5using language 说课稿.ppt

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人教版选修7unit5using language 说课稿

Step 3 careful Listening Tick the things Lia likes doing. Listen again and complete the sentences. I ____ _____ _____ independent. But you _____ _____ _____ ________ because it’s your first time. But I also _______ __________ . You ______ _______ from Lima, the capital of Peru, to Cuzco. We ______ ______ ______ into a hotel in Cuzco. Some people want to visit Peru. Please help these people to choose the suitable tour line. 1.Mary,a designer,is planning to make a trip to a place,where she can enjoy the different architecture of this country and some excellent food.She also likes going shopping. Tour 3 2.Bill, is a reporter who needs to make a report about the local people’s life of this country. Tour 2 3.Tony is an archeologist who like to go to a place, where he can do some researches about ancient ruins and he likes to have an active holiday. Tour 1 4.Pete and Harry, whose major is biology, are always fond of exploring the jungles and learn more about the lifestyle of animals and birds. Tour 4 summary 选一名小组长总结本课所学的重点内容,加深记忆。 (5分钟学生简单回顾,然后用2分钟的时间做简要总结) 假设你是一名guide 在一家国际旅行社工作,有一位外国友人想要游览中国的名胜古迹,请你与他进行简单交流后,给他提出符合他兴趣的旅游路线,并做出简单介绍。 词数 :120字左右 Step 6 Home work: writing 设计意图:巩固本课重要词汇及功能句型,培养学生的写作能力 课后反思 优点:本节课通过创设一些符合学生认知水平的场景和问题,体现学生的主体性,发挥好教师的指导和引领作用,课堂气氛和效果很好。 不足之处:由于时间紧,不能让每一位学生都能更好的参与进来。 情感升华 世界那么大,我们应该去看看,学好英语可以帮助你更好地了解世界!Thank you ! 学科网 高二人教版新课标选修7unit 5 Traveling abroad Traveling abroad 矿区中学 韩仲香 Analysis of teaching material 1 教材分析 Analysis of students 2 学情分析 Important points and difficult points 3 教学重难点 Teaching objectives 4 教学目标 Teaching procedure and teaching methods 5 教学过程与教学方法 Analysis of teaching material 教学内容分析 本单元围绕着“旅游”这一话题,给学生提供了两篇阅读“出国留学”和“出国旅游”。今天说课的内容是Using language, 其中Listening与Reading and speaking都是谈论有关秘鲁这国家,介绍秘鲁的自然风光和历史文化。reading部分介绍了在秘鲁旅行的几条路线,内容一致,所以放在一起,设计成听说课。 设计意图: 通过本单元的学习,让学生通过语言实践活动来体验语言,提升综合语言运用的能力,也可以开阔学生的视野,激发他们了解世界、感知世界的热情,增强学生挑战未来的信心,感受到“出国旅游”的时代气息。 Part I Analysis of students 学生特点和学情分析 本课题材非常符


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