人教版英语选修八unit1Warming Up.ppt

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人教版英语选修八unit1Warming Up

Unit 1 A land of diversity Can you guess it ? It is a very young country in the world, which has only a history of 200~300 years. There is a Statue of Liberty in the east coast. It is about 46 meters high. The head office of the UN was set up there. Two World Wars didn’t take place there. Now it is the strongest country of the world. 1) When you look at the title, what so you think of ? 2) Why is the USA called a melting pot? Look at the map of the USA. Work with your group to write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can. Compare your answers with other groups. 16. indicate v. 指出、标示、表明、暗示 indication n. 指出, 指示, 迹象, 暗示 17. apparent adj 显而易见的/显然的/表面上的 apparently adv 显而易见地/表面上地 appear v. 18. slip-slipped-slipped 滑行、滑动、滑 19. bakery n. 面包房、面包厂 baker n. 面包师 bake v. 20. hire v./n. 租用、雇佣 fire v 解雇 21. ___________________ n. 行李 一件行李 22. __________ n. 丹麦 _________ adj. 丹麦(人)的, 丹麦语的 n. 丹麦人, 丹麦语 23. _________n. 韩国 ___________adj. 韩国(人)的; n. 韩国人; 朝鲜语 24. __________n. 巴基斯坦 ___________ adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的; 巴基斯坦人 25. _____________ 用……办法; 借助 26. ______________ 习惯于新的生活方式、 工作等,_____________________ 谋生 27. ______________与……合作或一起工作 28. _________ v./n. 租用、雇佣 ________ v 解雇 29. __________ 包括、吸收 2. Take care of our l________ while I find a cab. 3. An increase p___________ of the population own their own homes. 4. These animals i__________ to North Africa in winter. 5. I think their failure is due to a m_______ of bad luck and poor management. 6. His angry r________ to the decision was beyond my imagination. 7. The quickest m______ of travel is by plane. 8. I have finished this magazine. Can I s_____ with you? Useful expressions How long /wide/high/tall is …? It’s …metres/feet long/wide/high/tall. There is …in the north/south/east/west. It looks like… 1. Review what you already know about the geography of the USA. Find more information about Calif



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