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Meeting your ancestors Unit 5 北京人头盖骨化石 北京猿人复原图 ▲ 北京猿人的化石首次发现于1927年 ▲ 1929年12月2日发现第一个完整的头盖骨 ▲ 到1937年已发现的北京人的头盖骨共5个。 ▲ 1941年12月太平洋战争爆发后,在几个美 国人手里弄得下落不明。 ▲ 1966年又发现一个残破的头盖骨。 ▲ 总共发现了属于40多个个体的北京人化 石。时间距今约七十万年至二十万年。zxxk 北 京 人 北京猿人的特征 ● 能够制造和使用劳动工具 ● 能使用天然火 ● 摆脱了杂交的婚姻形态 ● 生活艰苦,寿命比较短暂 北京人使用过的石器 北京人石器制作法 北京人生活想象图 山顶洞人 ▲ 距今时间:18000年前 ▲ 地点:北京周口店龙骨山山顶洞穴 ▲ 体形:同现代人大体一样,脑容量: 1300——1500毫升 ▲ 生产和生活: 开始采用磨制和钻孔技术制造石器、骨 器制造骨针,缝制兽皮衣服产生了原始 宗教仪式过着氏族公社的生活 山 顶 洞 人 头 骨 山顶洞人 1933年北京市房山县周口店龙骨山山顶洞出土。学科网 骨针长8.2厘米,孔径0.31-0.33厘米。这是中国已发现的时代最早 的骨针之一,其针身保存完好,针孔处破 裂,针尖锐利,表面有刮磨痕迹。针孔是用 尖状器刮挖而成。 山顶洞人的生活用具——骨针 How do archaeologists study the early people? Pre-reading Look at the pictures in the reading part and think about what kind of life Peking Man lived. Place for living Furniture Entertainment Food Clothing Peking Man Cave A fireplace Meals together Meat, fish, berries, fruit Animal skins, leaves Topic 1 : Topic 2: Topic 3: Skim the passage and write down the three topics that the archaeologists talked about.. Life in the cave What can we learn from the needle What can we learn from the necklace Skimming How did the early people keep warm? What animals were their most dangerous enemies? How did they make clothes? Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. 1. How did the early people keep warm? 2. What animals were their most dangerous enemies? Tigers and bears were their most dangerous enemies. They used fur from animals or animal skins for clothes and had fires burning all winter. 3. How did they make clothes? Their clothes were made from animal skins. They used sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin. Then smaller scrapers were used to clean the fat and meat from them. They had to rub an ample amount of salt inside the skin to make it soft enough. Finally, they would have cut it and sewn the pieces together with needles made of animal bones. Read


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