人教版高中英语ppt配套课件:必修5 unit 2 period 1.ppt

人教版高中英语ppt配套课件:必修5 unit 2 period 1.ppt

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人教版高中英语ppt配套课件:必修5 unit 2 period 1

③There will be a war if the peace talks between the two countries________. A.break away B.break down C.break into D.break out 解析 考查break短语的意义辨析。break down除了含有 “(机器)损坏,破坏”之意外,还有“(谈判等)失败”的意 思,句中是说如果两国间的和平谈判不成功的话就将会发 生战争。break away意为“脱离”;break into意为“破门 而入”;break out意为“爆发;突然开始”。 答案 B 5.to ones credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下 It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties. 你们克服了这样大的困难,值得大大称赞。 To his credit,John never told anyone exactly what had happened. 约翰对所发生的事守口如瓶,值得赞扬。 be a credit to...    为……赢得荣誉的人(或事物) give credit to... 相信;称赞 lose credit with sb 失去某人的信任 have credit with sb 得到某人的信任 on credit 记账;分期付款 credit card 信用卡 No credit is given at this shop.这家商店概不赊欠。 Our international credit is excellent. 我们的国际信誉很好。 She is a credit to her family.她是给家里增光的人。 【完成句子】 ①We bought a new car________ ________. 我们分期付款买了一辆新车。 ②The lady has a large sum standing________ ________ ________in the bank. 这位女士有一大笔银行存款。 ③________ ________ ________,he is brave enough to save the boy. 值得称赞的是,他非常勇敢,救了那个男孩。 on credit to her credit To his credit 6.leave out省略;遗漏;删去;未顾及;忽略 The publisher asked the writer to leave out the last passage. 出版商让作者省去最后一篇短文。 Whenever you say something,never leave out the others’ feelings. 无论何时你说什么,决不要不考虑别人的感受。 I went through a list of people to be invited,and hoped I hadnt left anyone out. 我浏览了一遍要邀请的人的名单,希望不要漏掉任何人。 Please complete this cheque properly;the name has been left out. 请把这张支票填写完整,你把姓名漏填了。 leave for       动身去某地 leave sb/sth alone 让某人独处;不管某物 leave sth on 让……开着 leave off 停止;戒除 leave behind 留下;丢弃;使落后 leave aside 搁置一边;忽视 I wish you wouldnt leave the TV on when you go out. 希望你出去时,别


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