人教版选修六U1 Art Warming up.ppt

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人教版选修六U1 Art Warming up

Chinese Folk Art —— New Year Graphics (年画) It is often about nature, such as mountain, water, bird-and-flower, etc. It has an air of living in nature, harmony (和谐) and peace. Chinese painting: Western paintings: About religion, human Abstract, rich in color, oil, line and shape Which style of paintings do you prefer, western or Chinese? Why? 2. Which would you like to put up on the walls of our classroom? And why? Discuss your reasons. These words might help you. realistic abstract nature detailed traditional line rich religious unfinished modern colour shape Discussion Brainstorming kinds Of painting oil painting brush drawing(水墨画) landscape cartoon wash drawing figure drawing water color graphic art (形象艺术画) Imitating (临摹) life drawing Sketch (素描) Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained. 好的画犹如佳肴, 可以品其美味, 却无法解释。 * Unit 1 Art Warming up Brain Storm What is art? Can you list some forms of art? Boys Girls dance music sculpture architecture literature movie painting calligraphy art painting architecture photography music opera [?p?r?]歌剧 seal cutting 篆刻 …… dance sculpture literature paper cut Can you name some famous paintings and painters both at home and abroad? Boys Girls Brain Storm Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 Famous painters of our country! Qi Baishi齐白石 郑板桥 Zhang Daqian By Guan Shanyue Giotto di Bondone 乔托·迪·邦多纳 犹大之吻 The kiss of Judas Let’s know some famous Western painters! The Middle Age Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) MONALISA蒙娜丽莎 The renaissance Masaccio(1401-1427), 马萨奇奥 Madonna with Child and Angels 王座上的圣母圣子和四天使 Masaccio的作品: Crucifixion耶稣钉刑图 Mone (莫奈) The impressionism 印象派 梵高《向日葵》a sunflower Van Gogh 毕加索 《亚维农的少女》 Picasso Modern Art Art Appreciation rich colour traditional simple shape Chinese Folk Art —— Wood carving (木雕) nature Chinese Folk Art —— Paper cutting (剪纸) bright colour simple shape Western Sculptures beautiful line realistic Chinese-style Pai


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