人民邮电出版社《科技英语》教材 unit 5 Space.ppt

人民邮电出版社《科技英语》教材 unit 5 Space.ppt

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人民邮电出版社《科技英语》教材 unit 5 Space

Unit 5 Space English for Science and Technology Text A--Comprehension 1. What is the relationship like between the Kennedy Space Center and its local community? 2. What is the relationship going to be like now? 3. How is NASA going to send astronauts to the ISS once its human space-flight programme ends? 4. How is NASA going to solve the problem of sending astronauts into the space in the long term? 5. How is the freedom of necessity of developing transport for low-Earth orbit going to impact on NASA? 6. What is the influence of President Obama’s space agenda to space exploration? Glossary shuttle?/???t?l/ 1.N-COUNT?A?shuttle?is the same as a . 航天飞机 2.N-COUNT?A?shuttle?is a plane, bus, or train which makes frequent trips between two places. 穿梭班机; 穿梭班车; 穿梭火车 例:There is a free 24-hour shuttle between the airport terminals. 在机场的各航空站之间有24小时的免费穿梭巴士。 3.V-T/V-I?If someone or something?shuttles?or?is shuttled?from one place to another place, they frequently go from one place to the other. 使频频往返于两地之间; 频频往返于两地之间 例:He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals. 他和同事们一直来回往返于3个首都之间。 loom?/lu?m/ 1.V-I?If something?looms?over?you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way. (常以可怕的方式) 赫然出现; 隐约显现 例:Vincent loomed over me, as pale and grey as a tombstone. 文森特赫然出现在我面前,脸色苍白阴沉得像块墓碑。 2.V-I?If a worrying or threatening situation or event?is looming, it seems likely to happen soon. (令人担忧的或危险的情形或事件) 可能发生; 逐渐逼近 例:Another government spending crisis is looming in the United States. 又一次政府开支危机正在美国酝酿。 The threat of renewed civil war looms ahead. thunder?/?θ?nd?/ 1. V-I?If something or someone?thunders?somewhere, they move there quickly and with a lot of noise. 轰隆隆地快速移动 例:The horses thundered across the valley floor. 马群轰隆隆地从谷底奔跑而过。 launch?/l??nt?/? 1.V-T?To?launch?a rocket, missile, or satellite means to send it into the air or into space. 发射 例:NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays. 美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星来研究宇宙射线。 2.N-VAR?Launch?


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