仁爱版八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 3 Section D.ppt

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仁爱版八年级下册Unit 5 Topic 3 Section D

Review – word competition 考查、测试 焦虑的、神经质的 演讲 生病的 为……而自豪 准备好的 护照 环境 test (同义词) exam nervous speech sick/ ill be proud of ready passport environment 与……和睦相处 充满,装满 尽管 问题、困难 特别、尤其、专门 选择(v.) 噪声 大声的 Review – word competition get along (well) with fill (with) anyway trouble especially choose noise adj. noisy loud adv. loudly affect confident crowd mood spirit sadness unfair useless Review – word competition v. 影响 adj. 自信的、有信心的 v. 拥挤、群聚;n. 人群 n. 心情、情绪 n. 情绪、心境、精神 n. 悲哀、忧伤 adj. 不公平的 adj. 无用的 Review – sentence competition 我感到很孤单,眼中充满泪水。 城市喧嚣的(noisy)夜晚使我难以入睡。 颜色会影响我的感受和心情。 I feel very lonely and my eyes fill with /are full of tears. The noisy night of the city makes me have trouble sleeping. Colors can affect my feelings and moods. Review – sentence competition 橙色和黄色给以我自信(confident)。 蓝色和白色会让我平静(calm down)。 每当我和朋友们谈起汶川地震时,这总是让我难过。 Orange and yellow make me feel confident. Blue and white can make me feel calm down. When I talk about the Wenchuan earthquake with friends, it always makes me sad. Grammar Six Basic Structures of Simple Sentences Your father is ill in bed. Your team won a basketball game again. Your friend fell of her bike. Your father bought you a new computer. You see a snake lying on the road. There is so much homework on the weekend. When you learn English, you should review your lessons often. S + V + P S + V + O S + V S + V+IO + DO S + V+O + OC There be… I get so _________ when I give a speech. Let’s show him that we are __________ him. Let’s give Michael a __________. I think the moon can affect my _________! Functions nervous proud of surprise feelings What can affect our moods and feelings? What can you do to get back happy feelings when we feel bad? Do you think it important for us to stay in a good mood? Talk 分享快乐,快乐就会加倍;分担痛苦,痛苦就会减半。 Share your happiness, you’ll get more happiness; pour out your sadness, you’ll feel only half of it. Exercise and _______ every day. Eat _________ food and _________ well. ________ with others


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