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Giant cuttlefish 巨乌贼 Species: apama Genus: Sepia Family: Sepiidae Order: Sepiida Class: Cephalopoda 头足纲 Phylum: Mollusca 软体动物门 Kingdom: Animalia STRUCTURE a brilliant fluorescence (荧光) color-blind himself The giant cuttlefish can change its color.He usually wears many kinds of bright colors at one time,especially at the season of reproduction. Defense Their chameleons 【v.变色】of the sea so they can change their colour and their skin structure and their tentacle shapes to mimic the surrounding. They can also eject ink from an ink sack just like an octopus to confuse and disorientate enemies so it can escape . The Giant Cuttlefish has a short life span of just two years. In the breeding season, thousands of Giant Cuttlefish come together to spawn【产卵】, after which they soon die. Breeding 每年4月到7月 Fight to protect giant cuttlefish Video of the giant cuttlefish 某些动物(如各种乌贼)可以控制它们的色素细胞,使整个皮肤的颜色发生改变。这些动物具有一组色素细胞,每个色素细胞都含有一种色素。每个色素细胞单体都由一条可以收缩和扩展的环肌包裹起来。当乌贼收缩肌肉时,所有色素都被挤压到色素细胞的顶部。在那里,细胞将平展开来,形成一个大面积圆盘。当肌肉松弛时,细胞会回复自然状态,即相对较小的圆球。比起因细胞收缩而形成的圆盘,这个圆球很难看得出来。通过收缩含有某种色素的色素细胞,并放松含有其他色素的色素细胞,动物可以改变身体的整体色彩。 具有这一能力的乌贼可以生成各种颜色以及许多有趣的花纹。乌贼先是感知背景色彩,然后对适当的色素细胞组合进行收缩,从而与各类环境融为一体。乌贼还可以通过这种能力与同类进行交流。在能改变体色的动物中,最著名的当数变色龙,它改变皮肤颜色的机制与乌贼类似,但目的通常不是为了伪装。变色龙会在情绪变化时改变肤色,而不是在进入不同环境的时候。 * 巨乌贼=伞膜乌贼 ≠大王乌贼 giant squid 2 large eyes with 8 tentacles (arms) 2 extendable feeding tentacles【n.动物触角】 a length of 1 meter up to 3 kg three hearts, blue blood They come closer to the surface A courting and mateship dance Lay eggs Die This is the only place in the world that cuttlefish come in mass numbers. Australian Giant Cuttlefish (a solitary唯一的 creature) is by far the biggest type of cuttlefish growing up to a length of 1 meter and up to 3 kg They have a big flat broad head with 2 large eyes with 8 tentacles (arms) and 2 extendable feeding tentacle


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