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* * Historical Culture Differences Why the chess piece 炮 is only in Chinese Chess? Why does foreign chess have the powerful Queen but Chinese chess doesn’t have one? Why does the Knight(骑士) move without obstacles in European Chess?(国际象棋中的“骑士”对应中国象棋中的“马”) (中国象棋里有“蹩脚马”一说) brief introductions of the European Chess It’s said that European Chess deprived from AD 7th century in India(印度). European Chess, together with Chinese Chess, Chinese weiqi and Japanese jiangqi(将棋) are the world’s four leading kind of chesses. In the end of 15th century, Chess, together with archery(射箭), horsemanship(骑术), swimming, swordplay(击剑), hunting and versification(作诗) became the seven required courses in chivalric education(骑士教育). It is Russia’s national chess. 根据历史传说记载, 国际象棋起源于公元6世纪的印度。它是从古代印度一种叫作“恰图兰卡”的象棋,经长期流传演变成的。当时,“恰图兰卡”的棋子只有四种,这4种棋子是:步兵、骑兵、战车和大象,它们正好反映了古代印度军队的组成兵种。 大概在公元600年左右年波斯人把“恰图兰卡”改名为“沙特兰兹”,并对规则进一步地修改。 公元638年,阿拉伯人征服了波斯(伊朗),8至10世纪,沙特兰兹在中亚和阿拉伯各民族非常风行。通过贸易、战争和宗教等多种渠道,国际象棋从东方向西方传播,11世纪末已遍及欧洲各国,文艺复兴时期在欧洲风靡一时,15、16世纪,终于定型为国际象棋今日的样式。 还有另一种说法,20世纪70年代,英国著名学者李约瑟(Joseph Needham)博士在其所著《中国科学文化史》中明确提出象棋是中国人的创造。他详细地分析了中国古代游戏——六搏与天象数学的关系,他说:“只有在中国,阴阳理论的盛行促使象棋雏形的产生,带有天文性质的占卜术得以发明,然后发展成带有军事含义的一种游戏。 前苏联科学院远东研究所研究员切列夫考博士在《苏联文艺》上发表文章,根据他的研究,国际象棋起源于易经的思想:64格,对应八八六十四卦,黑白对应阴阳。 Chinese Chess is said to deprive from Qin Dynasty. Hanxin(韩信) invented Chinese Chess to get soldiers’ combat skills exercised. Because of the long term of China’s feudal system(封建制度) , Chinese Chess didn’t change much any more. a big foursquare divided into 64 small checks(小方格) in two different colors the lighter color ones called “white checks” and the darker ones called “black checks” chessboard There are 16 chess pieces at each side. In each side, it has one King, one Queen, two Bishops(象), two Knights(马), two Rooks(战车) and eight Pawns(兵). The chess piece Queen stays at check opposite to its side in color. differences about military confrontation Artillery(火炮) was invented along with the invention of gunpowder(火药


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