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ai ay ee ea oa ow aid l m p r laid maid paid raid ail j jail s sail p pail n nail aid ail The mail will sail. Pam and Kent sat on the rail. ain m ain main f ain fain pain pain ai t --- ait w ait wait The man paid the maid. The man sail with mail on a paid. rain , rain The men ran with pain in the rain. ay b ay-bay d ay-day r ay-ray f ay-fay g ay-gay s ay-say This is May.This is Fay. Fay is gay. Fay says, “Let’s pay today.” Ray and May lay on the hay. He says we have to pay for the clay. It’s the day we play the bay. It rains all day. Jill’s mail is on the way. ee bee see fee Lee tree need deed seed feed seed heel feel teel steel wheel keep deep sleep sheep sweep This is Lee. This is Pete. And this is a bee. Lee and Pete feed the bee. Dee is sweet. She will sweep the street at three. He and she need a jeep this week. ea eal deal heal meal real seal eat feat beat neat weat meat ean bean dean jean mean clean eam beam team ream east beast feast yeast ease tease lease please each beach peach reach teach Jean eats beans and meat. Please clean the seat for the dean. The seal has a meal. oa t - oat c oat - coat b oat - boat g oat - goat m oat -moat oad load road toad oak s oak- soak oap oaf oast a moat a road a toad There is a toad on the road near the moat. This is a goat. This is a road. The goat is on the road. This is soap. This is a coat. You can use the soap to wash the coat. This is a toad. This is a boat. The toad is fishing on the boat. ow l ow low slow flow blow swallow r ow row grow throw crow n ow snow know d ow window shadow widow sow show shower own owner slow down blow away flow away row the boat grow up throw awa
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