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任务型读写部分要求学生在认真阅读所给短文(300词左右)的基 础上,对短文中的有效信息进行筛选、整合和 综合概括,并根据表格设计要求,在每个空格 里填写一个恰当的单词。 How to deal with this exam item? Check carefully and correct the mistakes if any . 1.回到短文中,复查所填内容。 2.结合题意,忠于原文,认真核实。 3.检查拼写。 a)拼写正确。 b)动词的适当形式过去式、过去分词和现在分词 第三人称单数 c)名词的性、数、格。 d)形容词的比较级和最高级。 e)字母的大小写。 Solutions(解题步骤) 1.Get through the diagram 扫读表格 2.Have an overall understanding of the passage.读大意 3.Find out the key information.找关键 4.Identify and underline the possible words or phrases.定位相关词句 5.Infer from these words and phrases.推断 6.Make a choice of the words.选词 7.Make sure to use the correct forms.复查 Homework After Reading * * * * * * * * * * T 任务型读写解题策略 ask-based Reading Writing ——— strategy analysis 高中英语试卷各题型数量、分值、参考时间 分配 20 完成时间(分钟) 25 10 40 30 15 30 分值 1 10 20 20 15 5+15 题数 写作 任务型读写 阅读 完形 单选 听力 35 25 40 题型概况 Getting direct information 筛选(查找)信息能力:属基础题。 Reorganizing information 整合(转化)信息能力:属活用题。 Summarizing information 综合概括信息能力:属概括题。 Abilities that are tested Steps and ways to do task-based reading Before Reading 1.Read the requirements (word limit) 在空格里填入最恰当的单词,每空格1词。 1)扫读表格,初步弄清话题及各段的大体意思。 2)分析表格,弄清任务,根据空格找线索。 3)研究表格的结构。理清其显示的层次关系。 eg:示例 2 Read the diagram(图表) Title: Blood drive at Civic Centre ● Saving other people’s lives ● Contributing to a more harmonious society (10)____________of donating blood Enthusiastic, positive and concerned People’s(9)_________towards the blood drive ● Don’t lift heavy things within 12 hours ● Leave the pressure bandage on for 2~3 hours ●(7)______smoking for not less than 30 minutes ● Don’t perform any laborious activity for a (8)______ day (6)___________ for people who have given blood One pint at a time (5)____ of blood one person gives ● Fill out the donor registration and screening form ● Wait for their (4)________ to give blood ● Give blood Process ● (3)________in the medical test ● Waiting too long Reasons why part of the people present didn’t give blood About (2)________ Num


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