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分类号 学号学校代码10488 密级 士学位论文 学位申请人: 学科专业: 指导教师: 答辩日期: A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in Management Study on the Comparison of Enterprise Labor Standards ——On the Protection of Labor Rights in China Master Candidate: Major: Supervisor : Prof. Wuhan University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei 430081, P.R.China May, 2014 摘 要 劳工标准是劳动保障的重要组成部分,合理的劳工标准有利于保护广大劳工权益,促进劳资关系和谐发展。从人权理论、企业社会责任理论、“朝底竞争”理论、比较优势理论和劳资关系理论分析,企业劳工标准有着自洽的逻辑依据。本文围绕结社自由和集体谈判权、就业歧视、强迫劳动、童工问题四项国际核心劳工标准基本要素,对现阶段国际上常见的企业劳工标准与我国劳工标准进行比较研究,可以发现对这些标准存在着一些规律性的规定。我国劳工标准虽然取得了巨大的进步,但通过比较梳理发现也存在着对组建工会的限制程度较为严格、集体谈判权没有得到明确保障、就业歧视和强迫劳动较窄、童工标准缺乏灵活性和适应性等不足。在未来,我国需要通过加强工会建设、建立多层次集体谈判制度来保障结社自由和集体谈判权通过扩大就业歧视保护范围、明确就业歧视的判断标准、确立诉讼中的举证倒置原则以实现禁止就业歧视通过截断强迫劳动的输入路径、扩充强迫劳动的形式和适用领域来打击强迫劳动通过制定多角度童工标准、强化企业对保护童工的社会责任、消除贫困等措施以杜绝童工现象,不断加强我国劳工权益保护。 关键词:;; Abstract Labor standars is an important part of labor security administration. Reasonable labor standards is advantageous to protect the rights and interests of the broad masses of workers and promote the harmonious development of labor relations. From human rights theory, corporate social responsibility theory, race to the bottom theory, comparative advantage theory and the theory of labor relations, enterprise labor standards has the self-consistent logic basis. In this paper, centering round four basic key elements of international core labor standard: the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, employment discrimination, forced labor and child labor, the comparative study is conducted between the common enterprise labor standards in the world and Chinese labor standards. It is found that there is some regularities in these standards. Labor standards in our country has made great progress, but by comparing it is found that labour standards in China are more strin


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