休假制度Leave and vacation.docx

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休假制度Leave and vacation

目的Purpose将本公司有关请假与休假规定事项予以制度化、标准化;This document’s target is to institutionalize and standardize the company’s provisions about leaves and vacation.适用范围 Applicable scope本规定适用于公司全体在职员工的请假、休假管理;This provision applies to leaves and vacation management of all staff in-service.职责Responsibilities3.1 人力资源部负责本办法的制定、修改、废止的起草工作;HR Dept. is responsible for drafting the provision’s formulation, modification and abolition;3.2 总经理(或其代理人)负责本办法的制定、修改、废止的批准工作;CEO (or his agent ) is responsible for approving the provision’s formulation, modification and abolition;3.3 人力资源部为本规定的管理部门;HR Dept. is the management department of this provision;3.5 除非公司另有规定,由财务部兼管人力资源部工作;Unless otherwise specified, finance dept. shall also bear job responsibility of HR dept..管理规定Management provisions4.1 休假/请假类别 Category of Vacation/Leaves休假/请假分为法定节假日、法定带薪休假、病假、工伤假、婚假、孕检假、产假、哺乳假及护理假、丧假、事假、总经理关怀假等几类;The vacation/leaves are classified as follows: statutory holidays, statutory paid vacation, statutory sick leaves, work related injury leaves, marriage leaves, pregnancy-test leaves, maternity Leaves, nursing Leaves, paternity Leaves, bereavement leaves, private affair leaves and caring day from CEO;4.2 各类休假管理;All kinds of vacation management4.2.1 法定节假日 Statutory Holidays全体员工每年享受以下带薪法定休假日:staff enjoys the following statutory holidays:元旦New Year’s day1天1 Day国际劳动节Labor Day1天1 Day春节Spring Festival3天3 Days端午节Dragon-BoatFestival1天1 Day清明节Tomb-sweeping Day1天1 Day国庆节National Day3天3 Days中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival1天1 Day妇女节Women’s Day0.5天0.5 Day4.2.2带薪年假 Annual Leaves4.2.2.1 员工每年可以享受的休假天数(N),依据员工的累积工作年限来计算。具体如下:Employees are entitled annual leaves (N) as follows which is calculated according to staff’s accumulated work experience:累计工作年限不满十年,可享有每年5个工作日;For people who work less than 10 years,he/she is entitled 5 working days as annual leaves each year;累计工作年限满十年不满二十年,可享有每年10个工作日;For people who work over 10 year however less than 20 years,he/she is entitled 10 working days as annual leaves each year;累计工作年限满二十年以上,可享有每年15个工作日。For peop


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