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Each system is sized to capture and manage water from approximately 1 Acre (43,596 Square Feet), treating the first 1/2” of runoff from that drainage area. 每一个系统的规模应被控制在这样的范围之内—可以收集和管理来自大约1英亩面积(43596平方英尺)的水和处理头0.5英寸来自污水地区的径流。;Approximately 969 Cubic Feet (7,248 Gallons) of runoff is stored in each system and treated during a 24 hour period. 大约969立方英尺(7248加仑)的径流被储存在每一个系统之内并在24小时内被处理。;3;4;5;Bagby Street 巴格比街;In the Midtown District of Houston, 在休斯顿市中心区域 9 acre project within Right of Way, 在道路的右侧的9英亩的项目 One of the Texas’ first certified Green Roads, 是第一批德克萨斯认证绿道其中的一个 Rain Garden area 9,828 SF, 雨水花园面积9828平方英尺 Rain Garden detention volume = 0.68 acre feet, 雨水花园滞留量—0.68英亩英尺 Landscaped planter boxes, paver sidewalks, and hardwood seating areas. 景观种植箱,人行道路面和硬木座位区;Houston Memorial Day Flood 2015 2015年美国阵亡将士纪念日在休斯顿发生的洪水;Decrease existing impervious cover, 减少现有的不透水覆盖面 Rain Gardens serve as Water Quality Tool, 将雨水花园作为水质处理工具 60” stormsewer trunk line for future upstream development, 为了未来上游的开发,60英寸的暴雨污水收集箱准备就绪 Encourage safe Pedestrians usage, 鼓励安全的行人用途 Aesthetic appeal of the roadway, 道路的美感诉求 Main Reason is to improved the drainage, 主要原因是为了改善排水系统 At less cost than traditional design. 比传统设计方式成本更低;Total Project cost = $ 9.5 M 项目总花费=950万美元 Total LID part Cost = $0.5 M LID部分的总花费=50万美元;Storm sewer model (HouStorm) combined with customized routing method was used - 采用暴雨污水模式(HouStorm)并结合定制路线的方式— to size rain gardens, 控制雨水花园规模, to take the localized drainage area, and reduce runoff to the acceptable ponding in the street. 占有局部污水排放地区和减少进入街道可容积水的径流。;Cost/Benefit Analysis was not applied due to the cost traditional design 成本/效益分析并不适用,因为成本传统设计 Benefit cannot count only by the $, but 利益不能只考虑成本,而应该考虑 Storm water Quality 暴雨水质 Pedestrian friendly 行人友好型 Property value increased, 提升财产价值 Visitors, shopping, food, drink.… 参观者,购物,食物,饮料;Bagby Street 巴格比街 Rain Garden 雨水花园;Planting Zone surrounded by curb for protection, 种植区四周被镶边保护 Pedestrian bridge provided to improve access, 提供


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