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You’re not supposed to shake hands. 你不应该握手。;What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? 在韩国,人们第一次见面应该做什么? ;When were you supposed to arrive?你应该什么时候到?;Grammar; should have + 动词的过去分词 “本应该做某事(而实际上没有做)” eg: I should have made an appointment with the doctor, but I forget. ;Unit 12 Section A ;本节课学习目标: 1.掌握并能熟练运用: be (not)supposed to do sth 2.了解一些常见国家的见面礼仪和风俗;西方人见面时互相之间不问长问短,不拉家常,双方寒暄时的话题不痛不痒,无关紧要,例如: 甲: 早上好! 彼得先生 乙: 早上好! 大为先生 甲: 见到你真高兴 乙: 我也是 甲: 今天天气真好 乙: 是啊,昨天天气不好 甲: 再见,周末愉快 乙: 周末愉快,再见! ;双方都是中国人的话,见面时就比西方人热情多了,例如 甲: 喂,老李,怎么这么巧 乙: 咦,这不是小王吗? 去哪儿啊? 甲: 去公司加班 乙: 周六还加班?老婆没意见? 甲: 没办法,她带孩子出去了 乙: 孩子多大啦,你现在住哪里?房子买了吗? 甲: 买了2年了 乙: 开始查户口 按揭的?首付多少? 甲: 要还30年,首付20%,所以要加班啊,你买好久了? 你现在那家单位工资待遇怎样 乙: 一般,我赶时间,下次再聊,再见! ; Do you know the ways to greet people from different countries? ;Brazil;Different countries have different customs.;(Kiss);( b o w);(shake hands) ;;What do people do when they meet for the first time?;Different countries have different customs.;;;bow;pairwork;;America ;Pairwork ;What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first time?;What are people in India supposed to do when they meet for the first time?;2a;;Listen again and fill in the blanks.;( )1.When I first ate in a western restaurant, I did not know what I___. A. should to do B. are supposed to do C.was supposed to do ( )2.----How was the party at Peter`home last night? ----I___at 6:00 but I arrived at 8:00. A.am supposed to arrive B. was supposed to arrive C.was supposed to arriving ;( )3. Everyone is supposed to___ a seal belt in the car. A.wearing B.to wear C.to be worn ( ) 4. Your mother looks unhappy. You___ have told her the truth. A . should B . must C.can;Thank You!


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