会展英语Chapter 7.ppt

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会展英语Chapter 7

Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading 1. The operative word is conversation — never open with a question which invites only a yes or no answer — and above all — never say “Can I help you﹖” — what do you do if the reply is NO﹖ 交易会中最重要的就是交流?而与新客户第一次会谈尤其重要?我们在学习英语时习惯了用“Can I help you﹖”打开话题,然而在欢迎新客户参观展位时应避免这一点,因为万一对方的回答是“No”的话,那我们就没有话题再继续下去了?所以在双方的谈话中要避免询问答案只是“Yes”或“No”的问题? NOTES Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading I put it all down to her hard work and initiative. It is hoped that the governments initiative will bring the strike to an end. n. the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do 首创精神 , 主动性 1. initiative FOR EXAMPLE Important Words Expressions Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading Hes too indecisive to make a good leader. An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men. adj. unable to make clear decisions or choices; not having a clear result 非决定性的; 犹豫不决的,优柔寡断 2. indecisive FOR EXAMPLE Important Words Expressions Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading What is the perimeter of this polygon? Guards patrolled the prisons perimeter fence. n. the whole length of the border around an area or shape, the border around an enclosed area such as a military camp 周长,周界 3. perimeter FOR EXAMPLE Important Words Expressions v. to move up and down, especially because you are hitting a surface that is made of rubber, has springs etc. 弹跳,使...跳 Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading The ball hit the wall and bounced off it. Stop bouncing up and down on the sofa. 4. bounce FOR EXAMPLE Important Words Expressions Fill in the Table Below by Giving the Corresponding Chinese or English Equivalents. Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading EXERCISES Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage. Warm-up Dialogues Writing Reading Fill in the Table Below by Giving the Corresponding Chinese or English Equivalents. potential orders 采取主动 business card 后续拜访 products on display 潜在订单


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