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101 With regard to this last question, we might note in passing that Thompson, while rightly restoring laboring people to the stage of eighteencentury English history, has probably exaggerated the opposition of these people to the inroads of capitalist consumerism in general: for example, laboring people in eighteen-century England readily shifted from homebrewed beer to standardized beer produced by huge, heavily capitalized urban breweries.(4) 关于这个最后的问题,我们可以顺便指出,T尽管正确的使劳动人民重返十八世纪英国的历史舞台,但是她又可能吹嘘了这些人对于资本主义消费观在普遍意义上的敌视态度;比如说,十八世纪的英国劳动人民就很容易从家酿的啤酒转而引用由大型的、资本密集的城市酿酒厂生产的标准啤酒。 102 The correlation of carbon dioxide with temperature, of course, does not establish whether changes in atmospheric composition caused the warming and cooling trends or were caused by their.(4+) 当然二氧化碳与大气温度之间的相互联系并不能确定到底是大气成分的变化引起了气候的变暖和变冷的趋势,还是大气成分的变化是由气候的冷暖变化造成的。 103 Such philosophical concerns as the mind-body problem or,more generally,the nature of  human knowledge they believe,are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested. (5 -) 他们相信,诸如灵与肉的问题,或更普遍而言,人类知识的性质等此类哲学关注,均是一些基本的人类问题,其探索性的哲学答案已构成一个必要的基础,其它所有的智力思辩均赖以建立其上。 104 The idea of an autonomous discipline called philosophy, distinct from and sitting in judgment on such pursuits as theology and science turns out, on close examination,to be of quite recent origin. (4) 细作审视,我们便不难发现,一种被称为“哲学”的独立学科——既有别于神学和科学诸般学科,并高高在上地对其予以评判——的思想,其渊源却是甚为近期的事。 105 They were fighting, albeit discreetly, to open the intellectual world to the new science and to liberate intellectual life from ecclesiastical philosophy and envisioned their work as contributing to the growth, not of philosophy, but of research in mathematics and physics.(5-) 他们战斗着,尽管是谨慎的,来为学术界打开新科学的大门,而且去把学术生活从宗教哲学中解脱出来,而且他们把自己的工作看成是对科学和物理学而不是对哲学成长做出了贡献。 106 But the recent discovery of detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the


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