体验营销 Wk3_顾客体验管理框架 stu.ppt

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体验营销 Wk3_顾客体验管理框架 stu

第3讲 顾客体验管理框架 教学目标 掌握体验的定义,明确体验是思维的反映,掌握体验的战略体验模块,掌握混合式体验和全面体验,了解体验的实施工具即体验媒介。 教学内容 一、体验的定义 二、战略体验模块 三、混合式体验和全面体验 四、体验媒介 一、体验的定义 人脑模块分析 感觉/知觉系统:处理感官输入信息(光波、声波和触觉等) 情感系统: 脑边缘系统和相邻扁桃腺:快速的“本能”情感反应 大脑皮层:复杂情感、精确认知、思考和创造等 一、体验的定义 人脑模块分析 体验: 感觉 认知 影响 时间跨度大的个体行为 关联体验 一、体验的定义 体验的定义:个体对一些刺激作出的反应。 要素条件: 环境和设施 ——直接观察或参与一些活动获得体验 诱发体验的刺激因素 ——先采取行动,选择体验媒介并控制整个过程 体验的类型? 选择提供方式并确保恒久又新鲜的吸引力? 二、战略体验模块 感官 情感 思考 行动 关联 1. 感官体验 诉诸于视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉和嗅觉 实现感官影响 案例:RICHART Chocolates —设计、包装、分隔、附加装置 draw something that makes you happy and that you want to share with friends! Richart regularly holds a worldwide competition for children from primary schools, to value the development of great tasting abilities. One assignment: draw something that makes you happy and that you want to share with friends!. The winning drawings are featured on these chocolates. the chocolate vault For the true chocolate aficionados, French chocolatier?Richart Chocolates?offers a burlwood chocolate “vault” (equipped with temperature and humidity gauges) perfectly suited for storing their premium chocolates. For the chocolate purists, chocolates can absorb moisture and odors, so if you’re spending big bucks to indulge your chocolate urges, you might as well have an appropriate place to store them. You get a burlwood case that stores seven boxes of Richart’s premium chocolates. Yes, the seven boxes of chocolate (112 pieces in all) are included in the price (16 each of Richart’s balsamic, citrus, floral, fruity, herbal, roasted and spiced petits collections). Q. 价格? ——$ 850. 2. 情感体验 对品牌的好感 ——非耐用品、服务业和工业产品 自身的自豪感和欢乐情绪 ——耐用品、技术产品或社会营销活动 案例:哈根达斯 口味偏好? Food is a culturally sensitive business. Haagen-Dazs managed the challenge of tweaking its products to suit Chinese preferences while maintaining its global brand identity. 价格偏好? A higher price and respected brand name mean quality. 案例:哈根达斯 自我满足 Alongside the perception of quality was the notion of a luxury product as a status symbol. With increased buying


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