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你不能过自己想要的生活的7个原因 Many people spend the whole life in endless pursuit of happiness and consequently feel unhappy. Happiness is a polysemantic word since every person finds happiness in various aspects. It doesnt matter how much money you have, if you feel happy. You are winner and youre able to find peace, balance and joy in your life. Its extremely important to have a general aim in your life. This way, you will know in what directions to move and develop. Sometimes you need to change something in your life in order to find the path of happiness. You should try different activities, spheres and styles. It will help you understand what works and what doesnt work for you. 许多人终其一生都在无止尽地追求幸福,可是最终未果。幸福是一个多义词,因为每个人都能感受到各种各样的幸福。如果你觉得幸福,你不会在意自己有多少钱。能在生活中找到平静、平衡和欢乐,你就是赢家。树立一个总体的生活目标至关重要,这样,你会知道往哪个方向前进和发展。有时,为了找到幸福之路,你需要改变生活中的一些东西。你应该尝试不同的活动、领域和风格。这会帮助你了解什么适合自己,什么不适合自己。 5. You dont focus on your goals 你不够专注于自己的目标 If you are a wishful thinker, you might be full of big ideas. You can spend hours dreaming about things you’d like to accomplish without concrete terms and actions. You may have heard that nothing happens by itself. Achievement happens when you embody your ideas and thoughts. I understand that thoughts have the tendency to realize, but you shouldn’t only wait until it happens. Create a real plan of actions and move toward your happiness step by step. It will help you see the way to your goal and understand what you should particularly do. This strategy is going to be one of the most effective secrets of goal setting. 如果你是个充满奇思妙想的人,你的脑子里可能有很多大想法。你可以花上好几个小时去想自己要做什么,但都没有具体的期限和行动。你可能听说过天上不会掉馅饼。当你具化了自己的想法后,才能成功。虽然每个想法都有实现的可能,但你不能只是坐等它发生。你要做的是,制定真正的行动计划,然后一步步地向幸福迈进。这有利于你看到实现目标的方法,并明白自己究竟应该做什么。这将是最有效的目标设定的秘诀之一。 Bold and determined people dont waste time dreaming, they work hard. It provides more opportunities for them to make their dreams come true in quite short periods of time. Those people who are always hesitating and sabotaging themselves should change their


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