保护水域 Conservatory Water.ppt

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保护水域 Conservatory Water

* * Conservatory Water 保护水域 Conservatory Water lies in a natural hollow near Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York Citys Central Park, centered opposite East 74th Street. To the south the slope of Pilgrim Hill exists which is surrounded by a globe-shaped European Hornbeam, multiple oak species, Prunus serrulata and other specimen trees in a rolling lawn. 保护水域位于纽约中央公园中临近曼哈顿第五大道的自然凹陷区,正对着东74街。在Pilgrim Hill 南坡,起伏的草坪上遍布着球形欧洲鹅耳枥 ,各种各样的橡树,樱花和许多其他的树木。 Geographical environment The general shape of this pond was oval, with winding, irregular shores, bounded by a high bank on the east side and a great willow drooping over the north end. Rocks were disposed in the immediate banks, so as to suggest a natural formation, rather than an artificial pond. The water was supplied from The Lake。 The pond of Conservatory Water 保护水域池塘的形状是椭圆的,有着蜿蜒的不规则的河岸,以东侧的高地河岸和垂在北部的柳树为边界。岩石直接分布在河岸,以表明水域是天然形成的而非人工池塘。池塘中的水引自湖。 Conservatory water was planned in 1857 as “Greensward” plan to go onto Fifth Avenue by a fancy stair.? Its shape resembles the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris which is a model boat pond. And Conservatory Water is known as“ the model boat pond”. In the spring to autumn Saturday morning at 10:00am,model ship matches will be hed here. 保护水域在1857年计划中作为“草皮”计划去上第五大道的楼梯。它的形状类似巴黎的一个模型船池塘—卢森堡公园。这片保护水域 (Conservatory Water) 以“模型船池塘”闻名,春天至秋天的星期六早上 10 点,这里会举行模型船比赛。 the model boat pond Sculptures Alice in Wonderland 爱丽斯梦游仙境 Andersen 安徒生 Alice in Wonderland 爱丽斯梦游仙境的雕像位于水域北部,这是出版家乔治 ·戴拉寇克 (George Delacorte) 为了纪念爱妻出资建立的,爱丽斯与疯帽人 (Mad Hatter) 坐在一个巨大的蘑菇上,还有猫与兔子,小孩子可以在这个区域游玩 。 The Alice-in-Wonderland statue is in the northern of Conservatory Water .It was funded by George Delacorte, a publisher, in memory of his beloved wife. Alice and Mad Hatter is sitting on a giant mushroom, and children can paly in this area. *


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