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Chapter one Risk, risk management There is a maxim at the insurance circle: no risk, no insurance. Section one Basic definitions of the risk What is risk 什么是危险 the risk is the measurable uncertainty.危险是可测定的不确定性。 the risk is that uncertainty of some unfortunate incident. 危险是某种不幸事件发生与否的不确定性。 the risk is the uncertainty of loss某种损失发生的不确定性 the risk is the results of the objective concerns about the future under certain circumstances. 一定情况下关于未来结果的客观疑虑。 the risk is subjected to objective doubts of the possibility of damage危险是人们对客观存在的有遭受损害的可能性的疑惑。 Characteristics of risk objectivity 客观性 damagement 损害性:人身/经济损害 uncertainty 不确定性 the uncertainty of space 空间的不确定性 the uncertainty of time 时间的不确定性 the uncertainty of loss损失程度的不确定性 4 measurability 可测定性 5 expansibility 拓展性或发展性 The risk—related terms :risk factors 与危险有关的术语------危险因素 the substantive risk factor实质性危险因素:某一标的物本身所具有的足以引起或增加损失机会的客观原因与条件。 Moral risk factors道德危险因素: moral risk factors refer to personal dishonest foul or ill intentions so deliberately promote the accidents, resulting in the loss of the expansion of the loss. 道德危险因素是指由于个人不诚实、不正直或不轨企图,故意促使危险事故发生,以致引起损失结果或扩大损失程度的原因或条件。 psychological risk factors心理危险因素又称风纪危险因素:心理危险因素与道德危险因素不同,它不是由于个人的故意行为,而是指由于不注意、不关心,或存在依赖保险的心理,以致增加危险事故发生的机会和损失的严重性。 Section two Classification of the risk 危险的种类 According to procreant circumstance 按危险产生的环境分类 Static risk静态危险 Static risk refers to the irregular changes due to the forces of nature or people’s behavior caused by error or misconduct 。 指由于自然力的不规则变动或人们行为的错误或失当所导致的危险。 Static risk stems from an unchanging society that is in stable equilibrium. For example , fire, flood, earthquake, explosion ,etc dynamic risk动态危险 Dynamic risk refers to the risk due to social、economic or political changes. dynamic risk is produced because of changes in society . 动态危险是指由于社会、经济或政治的变动所导致的危险。 difference between static risk and dynamic risk静态危险与动态危险的区别 loss or not损失与否不同。动态危险对某一部分人来讲可能带来收益,或是损失;但静态危险对个人或社会来讲都会带来损失。 range of influence影响范围不同。动态危险影响范围更广泛。 char


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