修辞翻译unit 6.ppt

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修辞翻译unit 6

Rhetoric Translation 修辞翻译 Rhetorical devices, or figures of speech are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal meanings to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. 修辞格(figures of speech)是提高语言表达效果的语言艺术。它能使语言生动形象、具体活泼,给人以美的享受。要翻译好英语修辞格,首先要弄清其特点、弄清英汉两种语言在这方面的异同,然后根据具体情况采用恰当的技巧进行翻译。英语修辞格种类很多,但粗略分来似可分为音韵修辞格、词义修辞格和句法修辞格。 Rhetorical Device Rhetorical Device of Sound音韵修辞格 phonological rhetorical devices Rhetorical Device of Word 词义修辞格(semantic rhetorical devices) Rhetorical Device of Syntax句法修辞格 Rhetorical Device of Sound 1. Alliteration 头韵 2. Assonance 类韵 3. Onomatopoeia 拟声 Rhetorical Device of Word 1. Simile 明喻 2. Metaphor 隐喻 3. Personification 拟人 4. Hyperbole 夸张 5. Irony 反语 6. Euphemism 委婉语 7. Metonymy 转喻 8. Synecdoche 提喻 9. Transferred Epithet 移位修饰法 10. Pun 双关 11. Zeugma 轭式修饰法, 轭式搭配 12. Oxymoron 矛盾修饰法 13. Antithesis 对语, 对句, 对偶 Rhetorical Device of Syntax 1. Repetition 重复 2. Rhetorical Question 设问/反问 Rhetorical Device of Sound Rhetorical Device of Sound is involved in word pronunciation features. It mainly consists of alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia. 顾名思义,音韵修辞格是利用词语的语音特点创造出来的修辞手法。它主要包括onomatopoeia、alliteration和assonance. 1. Onomatopoeia是模仿事物发出的声响的修辞手法,与汉语的拟声辞格完全相同。恰当地运用它可以使语言更加形象生动。如: Presently there came the click of high-heeled shoes. 高跟皮鞋声阁阁地传了过来。 2. Alliteration就是在一个词组或一个诗行中,有两个以上彼此靠近的词,其开头的音节(或其他重读音节)具有同样的字母或声音. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; 清风徐徐吹,白浪翩翩飞,水花任意随船尾。 3. Assonance是在一句话或在一个诗行中间,有两个或更多的词具有相同的元音。前者与汉语的双声(汉语中两个或多个音节,声母相同,叫做双声,它不是辞格)相似,后者


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