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Chapter 1Overview of pediatric nursing(加粗和下划线表示课件中的红字,只有下划线表示课件上只有下划线)1. Focuses on the pattern of child growth and development, child health promotion and disease prevention, and direct care of illness children2.The nursing care of children from birth to the end of adolescence: Adolescence from 11 to 21; In China pediatric department only offer services for child 14 years; International common practice 18 years3.Stages of growth and development: 名解(儿童年龄分期是重点)⑴. Fetal period conception~birth胎儿期⑵. Neonatal period umbilical ligation~ 28 days 新生儿期⑶. Infant period birth~1 year 婴儿期⑷. Toddler’s age 1~3 years 幼儿期⑸. Preschool age 3~6 years学龄前期⑹. School age begin with entry into a school system and end with the beginning of teenage. (Girls: 7~11 or 12 years / boys 7~12 or 13 yrs) 学龄期⑺. Adolescencebegins with the gradual appearance of secondary sex characteristics and end with cessation of body growth.⑴Features of fetal periodFrom the conception to approximately 12 weeks is crucial period;Many causes could result in abortion流产 and congenital malformation.⑵Features of Neonatal PeriodMorbidity发病率 and mortality死亡率 of neonatal is the highest;Perinatal period围生期: commences at 28 completed weeks of gestation and ends 7 days after birth.⑶Features of infant periodGrows and changes dramatically than any other time;Diarrhea and malnutrition is the potential health concern;The transplacental经胎盘的 immunity is effective only for about3~6 months;Infants are vulnerable to infectious diseases.⑷Features of toddler’s ageMore activities and more curiosity; At risk for accidental injury⑸Features of preschool ageCoordination and muscle strength increase rapidly. Develop self-control, mastery and independent. Acquire wider social relationships and learn role standards. Discipline training is necessary.⑹Features of school ageLife center is changed from the family group to the wider world. Children experience stress from societal change, school, competition and media.A critical period in


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