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* * * * * * * 六方氮化硼: 新型类碳材料 河北省微纳氮化硼重点实验室 “六方氮化硼制备及其应用关键技术”教育部创新团队 河北工业大学材料学院 活性氮化硼及其在环境治理中的应用 国务院《大气污染防治行动计划》规定2017年全国地级及以上城市可吸入颗粒物的浓度比2013年下降10%以上;京津冀区域细颗粒物浓度下降约25%. 高比表面积、高活性氮化硼材料 H2O Fog H2O H2O SOX- NOX- H3O+ K+ SOX- NOX- K+ K+ SOX- NOX- SOX- NOX- 活性炭吸附 氮化硼吸附 方向性 饱和性 共价键 效果不明显 极性键 选择性 B+-N- 效果显著 H2O 活性氮化硼强烈的脱硫、脱硝能力在环保领域的应用前景广阔! 开发活性氮化硼在脱硫、脱硝方面的应用研究 高比表面积、高活性氮化硼材料 One of the greatest problems that the world is facing today. 1.8 million children die every year from diarrhea mainly due to water contamination. Environmental pollution * Adsorption for effective environmental pollution control: convenience, easy operation, simplicity of design 几种环境污染净化途径 * 高比表面积多孔BN的合成 T. Kawasaki, et al, J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 104[10](1996)935 Melamine diborate (M ? 2B ) molecular crystal: C3N6H6?2H3BO3 Hydrogen-bonded structure Layer-like morphology by the interlinked planar triangular H3BO3 and C3N6H6 molecules * Step 1: Boric acid + melamine → M ? 2B precursor (80 ?C for 4 h) Step 2: the precursor was heated at 1460?C in N2 for 4 h to obtain porous BN C3N6H6?2H3BO3 hBN * Precursor Porous BN --Li et al. Nanotech. 24 (2013) 155603 高比表面积多孔BN的合成 High-quality porous BN with uniform hole diameter, high purity, high surface area and large-scale yield BET surface area:1687 m2/g Pore volume: 0.99 cm3/g Pore sizes: 1.3 nm, 3.9 nm * type I isotherm with an H4 type broad hysteresis loop --Li et al. Nanotech. 24 (2013) 155603 高比表面积多孔BN的合成 High adsorption capacity : ~88 wt% of MO was removed within 5 min the maximum removal capacity: 298.3 mg/g 高比表面积多孔BN对甲基橙的吸附 Adsorption isotherms of MO Adsorption rate of MO Ce: equilibrium concentration; C0 : initial solution concentration qe: adsorbed amount of pollutant on the equilibrium concentration * Initial concentration of 40 mg/L Adsorption of Methyl orange (MO) - large pore volume - high density structural defects - high specific surface area --Li et al. Nanotech. 24 (2013) 155603 The chemical activation reaction takes main


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