全新版大学ing与综合教程3Unit8 Clone.ppt

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全新版大学ing与综合教程3Unit8 Clone

Pay attention to this! 世界的争议---克隆人的诞生,预示者人类向自己宣战。 July 5, 1996, the worlds first head of Cloned sheep Dolly was born. It was a sheep generated by an adult sheep’s somatic cell. people are just wonder about the future of the world after cloning. In 1997, the Hawaii scientists replicated the first small cloned mice from adult mouse cells , named Cumulina. In 2000, scientists cloned a mouflon . This is the worlds first time that cloning technology applied on a kind of endangered animal. And what about human clones? but if its application in human own reproduction, will have clones a series of disputes. 但如果将其应用在人类自身的繁殖上,将产生克隆人的一系列争议。 It was science fiction coming to life. Leaders in most countrires already prohibit human cloning,began examining the moral implications of cloning other species. Some experts are concerned about the creation of a new land disrespected social class:“the clones”. From the preceding description we can see that cloned animals can bring human beings many benefits , such as the production of food, medicines, organs, to save the endangered animals and so on. However, human cloning, there are various aspects of problem related to the ethical, psychological, social patterns and then on, which requires human beings to continue to explore. So…… There still remains much more disadvantages of the application of cloning reproduction of human being and animals. We should be extremely cautious of what we do and thus remember we will sure be respondible for all the results created by ourselves!!! Using the clone technology may in the rescue precious endangered animal, the expanded improved variety animal community, provides the sufficiency experiment animal, the advancement transgene animal research, to attack and capture the hereditary disease, the development high level new medicine, the production to be possible in internal organs official rank research which transplants for the human to play the role 利用克隆技术可以在抢救珍奇濒危动物、扩大良种动物群体、提供足


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