全新版大学英语视听阅读课件unit 8 The Great Kite Fight.ppt

全新版大学英语视听阅读课件unit 8 The Great Kite Fight.ppt

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全新版大学英语视听阅读课件unit 8 The Great Kite Fight

take the cure: take medicine to make (a disease, illness, etc.) go completely away Part 4 B ; C II. 1. craziness; dangerous 2. destroyed 3. take the cure Part 4 B C D A Follow-up 1-7: B A C D B A D a dangerous one are destroyed will live again Reading Comprehension F T T F T II. B C D B C III. 1. The idea of having battles in the sky was born. 2. They are usually constructed of different materials. 3. The competition between rivals is still just as enthusiastic. 4. It’s the largest such organization in the world. 5. Judges carefully assess all attributes when making their decisions. Home Listening 春秋战国时,东周哲人墨翟(公元前478-392年),曾“费时三年,以木制木鸢,飞升天空.”。墨子在鲁山(今山东潍坊境内),“斫木为鹞,三年而成,飞一日而败”。这是说墨子研究试制了三年,终于用木板制成了一只木鸟,但只飞了一天就坏了。墨子制造的这只“木鹞” (或“木鸢”)就是中国最早的风筝,也是世界上最早的风筝。(约纪元前300年左右),距今已有二千四百年。 * 墨子把制风筝的事业传给了他的学生公输班(也称鲁班),<墨子?鲁问篇>中说,鲁班根据墨翟的理想和设计,用竹子做风筝。鲁班把竹子劈开削光滑,用火烤弯曲,做成了喜鹊的样子,称为「木鹊」,在空中飞翔达三天之久。<鸿书>上说:“公输班制木鸢以窥宋城”。 * 据古书记载:「五代李郑于宫中作纸鸢,引线乘风为戏、后于鸢首以竹为笛、使风入竹、声如筝鸣、故名风筝。」 唐代时,风筝传入朝鲜、日本等周边国家.十三世纪时,意大利马可·波罗自中国返欧后,中国风筝始传到世界各地。 * * Unit 8 The Great Kite Fight Do you know something about Kite ? The Origin of Kite Chinese people over 2000 years ago. In ancient China kite was known as “Zhiyuan”(paper glide). Originally regarded as a technology, kite also featured prominently in many art collections, and was considered to have unique artistic value. 相传“墨子为木鸢,三年而成,飞一日而败。 hello! I am MoZi, I spent three years constructing a wooden kite which failed after one day’s flight. ?? <鸿书>上说:「公输班制木鸢以窥宋城」。 Hi, I’m Lu Ban, I improved the kite made by Mo zi, and it was flown high to spy on the enemy. 木鸢图 How did the Kite get its name“风筝”? 纸鸢 筝 风筝 李邺 If I put a whistle on a kite ,then it can make beautiful sound when flies in the sky. According to an ancient books:Li Ye,who lived in the Five Dynasties,used to make and fly kites in the imperial court. a whistle made of bamboo was tied to a paper kite. while w



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