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Globalization Contents What is globalization Globalization’s impacts on individuals Perfermances of globalization How to treat on globalization What is globalization? Globalization?is?a?concept,?but? also?a?phenomenon?of?the?development of?human?society. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,companies and governments of different nations. What is globalization? The political globalization The economic globalization The cultural globalization The components of globalization Perfermances of globalization Production globalization Perfermances of globalization European Union North American Free Trade Area Economic organizations Perfermances of globalization Wal-Mart (沃尔玛) Exxon Mobil (埃克森美孚) Royal Dutch Shell (皇家壳牌石油) BP (英国石油) General Motors (通用汽车) Toyota Motor (丰田汽车) Chevron (雪佛龙) Daimler-Chrysler (戴姆勒克莱斯勒) ConocoPhillips (康菲) Total(道达尔) Top 10 multinational companies Perfermances of globalization WTO United Nations World Bank Political globalization is evident in the growing importance of international organization These organizations are transnational and enable states to take concerted action without sacrificing national sovereignty.   Perfermances of globalization Chinglish Globalization’s impacts on individuals How to treat on globalization Taking economic construction as the center,and enhance the comprehensive national strength Expand opening up, adhere to the introduction to go out and combined to improve international competitiveness. Development of risk prevention policy to safeguard national economic security. As goverment How to treat on globalization As student For?college?students,??the?globalization?both?opportunities?and?challenges,?our?contemporary?college?students?should be?ready?to?go?at?any?time?.Seize?the?opportunity?and?accept?the?challenge?to?meet?this?era?of?globalization.


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