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Li River, China 中国漓江 The 83km Stretch of the Li River between Guilin and Yangshuo in China has inspired writers and artists for thousands of years. The Li River snakes(迂回前进) through a fairy-tale landscape of conical limestone(石灰石) peaks, its smooth waters exquisitely(优美的) mirroring the magical scenery. The vistas are particularly enchanting(令人陶醉的) when flowing mists weave themselves around the peaks, hiding them and then exposing them in moments of surprise. Each bend of the river reveals something new and interesting to see, from lumbering water buffalo(水牛) pulling carts(大车) or cooling off in the river to fishermen gliding on narrow bamboo rafts. Canals of Venice, Italy 意大利威尼斯运河 Best enjoyed outside the heat of summer, the Venetian canals and their gondolas(小船) provide one of the world’s most romantic experiences: gliding(滑行) slowly down narrow palazzo-lined canals on s moonlit nights. Venice is a city built on water. Some 150 canals link nearly 700 tiny islands to make what seems to be a floating city. Residents and visitors must travel by foot or boat. Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亚大堡礁 The Great Barrier Reef stretches 2000km through the Coral Sea along Australia’s northeastern coast. The reef, which is actually a collection of 2900 distinct coral reefs, has been designated(指明) a world Heritage Site for its sheer beauty and uniquely complex and delicate ecosystem. More than 10000 species, including 1500 types of fish and 200 kinds of birds, live here. The beauty of fish and coral waterscapes draws hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 An idea from the colonial British Empire, the 160-km-long Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. Thousands of men labored 10 years(1859-69) to build this shortcut(捷径) from the Mediterranean to the vast waters of Asia, without it, ships sailing from Italy to Singapore had to go around the southern tip of Africa, doubling the time and distance. Today, an endless parade of supert


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