八下unit6 lesson41a.ppt

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八下unit6 lesson41a

一 认知学习目标 1.单词:connectconnection 连接 monitor显示器; screen屏幕keyboard键盘mousemice鼠标; 老鼠keykeys 键;钥匙enter=come into 回车键; 进入internet因特网button按钮 succeed成功-- success--successful ; fantastic极好的shout喊 menu 菜单forward(s)向前;前进searchsearches 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 2.词组短语: connect…to…把…..连接到… turn on打开 on the internet在因特网 succeed in doing sth. 成功做事 fail in sth. 在某方面失败fail to do sth./fail in doing sth. be glad to do sth.(做….我将很高兴) 3.句型: what does…mean? = What’s the meaning of…? =What do you mean by…? 二.预习成果展示 A.完成练习册Page74 第 I题 B.根据句意及汉语提示写出适当的单词 1.Would you please _______(连接) your computer to the ______(因特网)? 2.Wang Lin is the m__________of our class. 3.On the TV_______(屏幕), I saw a lot of _______(老鼠) eating and running. 4.Do you know how many _______(键) a computer has? 5.Work hard, or you’ll _______(失败) in the exam. 6.I’m sure you’ll ________(成功) in passing the English exam. 7.Don’t _________(喊) at him. He is only a child. 8.Look ________(向前) and you’ll see the post office. 9.I _______(有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站) everywhere for my bike, but I still couldn’t find it. 10.Is there any chicken on the ______(菜单)? 三.课堂研讨助学 活动一Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.What does Li Ming think of Wang Mei’s new computer? 2.Can Wang Mei connect the computer to the internet? 3.What do they see when Li Ming pushes the “on” button? 4.What does the word”fail” mean? 5.Why do they fail to connect to the internet for the first time? 活动二 Read and translate. 活动三 language points 1.Now you can connect to the internet. ①The bridge _______(连接) the city to the town. ②Can you connect your computer _______the internet? A. to B. with C. by D. for 2.What does “failed” mean? 意为:_______________有结构______________ 可转换为:________________________ ①What’s the ___________(mean) of this word? ②What does this word mean? (同义句) What do you________ ______ this word? 3.When something fails, it doesn’t succeed,” 当某事失败的


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