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Unit9 Reading;Complete the sentences. 1. 她已经去火车站接她朋友了。 She ___ ____ to the train station to meet her friend. 2. 谢谢你所做的一切。 Thanks for all that you ____ ____.;3. 我很久没有看到你了。 I _______ ____ you for a long time. 4. 雨下了多久了? How long ___ __ ____ raining? 5. 他很友好,从没有和任何人争吵过。 He is very friendly and ___ _____ argued with anyone.;New words;safe adj. 安全的;fox n. 狐狸;Do you know about the country?;Do you know about the country?;Do you know the country?; Do you know the country?;Do you know the country?;What do you know or want to know about Singapore? Discuss it with your group.;Made up: main island 63 small islands Area: 697.1 square kilometres. Population: 3,437,300 (Chinese 76.2%, Malays 13.8%, Indians 8.3%, Others 1.7% );;Location: Where is Singapore?;More than three quarters (四分之三)of the population in Singapore are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua.     ;;If you are brave(勇敢),it is an excellent place to try new food. Whether Indian food, Japanese food or western food.(无论----还是);It is called “Night Safari”----a kind of zoo opens when it is dark.;1. Where is Singapore? 2. What language do people speak in Singapore?;Have you ever been to Singapore?;1 thousand num.一千 thousands of 数以千计的 There are thousands of students in our school. Can you guess how many there are ? I think there are seven thousand . 2 one the one hand …on the other hand 一方面......另一方面 On the one hand he is really clever , on the other hand he puts good use to his brain. 3 safe adj.安全的 =/=dangerous safety n. →danger safely adv.→dangerously It is safe to cross the street when the traffic light is green. ;4 simply adv. 仅仅 simple adj. What we need is?simply?money, money and money. 5 …Singapore is an English-speaking country, so… 新加坡是一个说英语的国家 名词加动词的ing形式组合而成 grass-eating animals an apple-picking trip a heartwarming story about who saved his mother’s life ;;; Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China? Maybe you fear that you won’t be able to find anyt


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