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Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? Section B 2a-2e Learning aims Learn some new words and phrases Learn the story of pandas Protect animals Self-study new words bamboo endangered research keeper awake excitement walk into 竹子 濒危的 研究;调查 饲养员;保管员 醒着 激动;兴奋 走路时撞着 Self-study new words fall over illness remaining or so artwork wild government 绊倒 疾病;病 遗留的;剩余的 大约 图片;插图 野生的 政府;内阁 2b Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 200, 2,000. Scanning: This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information. Read again, understand the main idea and answer questions in 2c. Group work 1 A panda keeper. Milk Bamboo Humans cut down bamboo forests, pandas don’t have babies often die from illness and don’t live very long. Teaching children. Read the passage and find out these phrases 为…准备 跑过去 走路时撞着 跌倒 照顾 死于疾病 许多年前 开始做某事 砍伐 少于 大约 濒危物种 制作图片 野生动物 一种有助于…的方法 居住 在未来 为…准备 跑过去 走路时撞着 跌倒 照顾 死于疾病 prepare ... for run over walk into fall over take care of die from illness 许多年前 开始做某事 砍伐 少于 大约 濒危物种 many years ago start to do cut down fewer than or so endangered animal 制作图片 野生动物 一种有助于 …的方法 居住 在未来 make artwork wild animal one way to help live in in the future 2d Complete the sentences using words and phrases from the passage. 1.keepers, prepare 2.often, illness 3.Bamboo forests 4.children, endangered 5.Chinese government, planting Group work 2 Discussion 2e What other ways do you think children can help to save the pandas? Do a little thing everyday, to protect environment and animals. Please remember the two sentences: Protect animals, it begins from little things. Protect environment, it begins from me. Write down a short passage about pandas. Use these words to help you. 40 words big bamboo zoo popular cute Sichuan famous black and write endangered beautiful forest protect


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