八年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1 You like western classical music,don’t you课件2 外研版.ppt

八年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1 You like western classical music,don’t you课件2 外研版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1 You like western classical music,don’t you课件2 外研版

1.Mr.Zhao is very strict, ____ _____ ? 2.Your maths teacher has taught maths since 1995, ____ ______ ? 3.Your English teacher likes pop music,_____ _______? 4.Jin Zeyang didn’t come to school yesterday afternoon, ___ ____ ? 5.Tuo Hao has been ill for two weeks, ____ _____? 美的 有戏剧性的 快的 有趣的 活泼,轻快的 现代的 悲伤的 严肃的 慢的 传统的 1. They are listening to western classical music. 2. Lingling has heard of Strauss. 3. Strauss was born in the capital of Australia. 4. The Blue Danube is pop music. 5. The Danube is the city in Vienna. 1. You’ve heard of him, ___________? 2. He was German, ______________? 3. You like western classical music, ____________? 4. You listen to pop music, ______________? 5. She doesn’t like pop music, ______________? 6. It’s certainly very… traditional, ____________? Try to complete the sentences 1. 它是谁的作品? Who’s it ______? 2. 它叫什么名字? What __ it _____? 3. 我是说唱乐迷. I’m ___________. 4.让我们清净会儿吧! Give us ________! 5. 那究竟是什么? What _______ is that? 6.我简直无法相信! I don’t _______ it! 7.它活泼,又好跟着跳舞. It’s lively and good _____________. exercises 1 She is watching TV,_______ _______? 2 The boys are from China, ______ _______? 3 He does a lot of homework today, ______ _______? 4 They have been to Beijing, _______ _______? 5 We like playing basketball, _______ _______? 6 Sally can speak Chinese well, _______ _______? 7 Tom didn’t do a lot of housework, _______ ______? 8 The woman will come to the party, _______ _______? 9 The monkey can climb the the tree, _______ _______? 10 Lingling runs faster than Da Ming, _______ _______? 拓展1 如果陈述句含有not, never, few, little, no, no one, nobody, nothing等否定意义的词时,其简短问句应用肯定形式。如: There is nothing in his bag, is there?他包里没有东西,是吗? 拓展2 如果陈述句谓语动词为had better,则问句中的助动词用had。如: We’d better do our homework first, hadn’t we? 拓展3 如果陈述句中由someone, everyone, nobody, everybody等作主语,简短问句的主语一般用they;如果陈述句中主语是nothing, something,anything,简短问句的主语要用it。如: Everyone is here now, aren’t they?


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