八年级英语下第八单元Have you read Treasure Island yet基础检测.doc

八年级英语下第八单元Have you read Treasure Island yet基础检测.doc

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八年级英语下第八单元Have you read Treasure Island yet基础检测

Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 基础知识检测训练 Section A I.词性变化 1. full of→ (近义词) 2. hurry→ (单三式) ship→ (近义词) achieve→(名词)____________ 5.include→(介词)→(形容词)____________ →(副词)____________ II.短语 1. 充满_____________________ 2. 赶快;匆忙 3. 写作关于……的内容 4. 出海 5. 做完某事 6. 至少 7. 在两周之内 8. 丧生 9. 砍伐 10. 学会做某事 11. 教某人某事 12.另一个人的脚印 13.. 跑向某地 14. 用……来做某事 15.迫不及待地做某 III.用所给词的正确形式填空 1. I__________ ever____________(drink)coffee. 2. The boy__________(water)the flowers already 3.She___________(watch)the movie twice 4.— ________you _______(visit)the Great Wall before? — Yes,I ______(have) 5.How long_____ your father_____(work)in this city? 6.He_________(get)here yesterday, so he___________(stay)here for only one day. 7. He has just ________ (copy) all the words 8. When you finish _________ (read) the book, please remember ___________ (return) it to the library on time 9. Last year, they __________ (buy) a new computer 10. Have you ________ (pack) the camera yet? 11. I have already _________ (put) it in my suitcase.(手提箱) 12. Judy has already ____________ (finish) reading Little Women 13. Tom and Mike have already ____________ (decide) to learn Chinese on Internet 14. Have you _____________ (read) Alice in Wonderland yet? 15. Robinson _____________ (have) already built a house on the island 16. It often _____________ (snow) in North China in winter 17.— where is Miss Wu? —She _____________(go)to English on business. 18.They ___________(not come)back yet? 19.Have you ____________(砍)the wood yet? Have you ____________your homework yet?Yes,I ______ it an hour ago.(finish) 21.[甘肃兰州]The student___________ (name) Wang Lin is my example in English learning. IV.将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语。 1. Our life is ______________chances, but there are also a lot of challenges.(充满) 2. The box is_______________(装满) books. 3. Would you like _______________ (吃的东西)? 4. After he read the introduction of the book, he _____________(迫不急待地想要看) it. 5.【2013甘肃兰州】Details decide ______ (成功



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