八年级英语下册第七单元PPT---Unit 7_ Section A.ppt

八年级英语下册第七单元PPT---Unit 7_ Section A.ppt

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八年级英语下册第七单元PPT---Unit 7_ Section A

1. not at all ----Thank you very much! ----- Not at all. 我根本不认识他。 I don`t know him at all. Could/Would you please (not) do sth? 表示委婉的请求,意为“你能(不)…吗?” 肯定回答—Sure./ Of course./Certainly/OK/ No problem… 否定回答—Sorry… go to a movie=go to a film=go to the cinema 去看电影 4 Ill get up right away. get up 起床 get还有很多有用的固定搭配: get on / get off ( a / the bus,train,boat,plane) 上/下(公共汽车、火车、船、飞机。如: She got on / off the bus quickly. get on 还可以表示为: 相处融洽, 继续 Get on with your work! 继续工作吧! I get on well with all my classmates. 我和所有的同学相处都很融洽。 Section A New Words 1. turn down 把…调低,关小 Could you please turn down the music? 你能把音乐调小些吗? turn up 把…调高,开大 turn on/ off 打开/关上(电源/水/煤气/电灯等) turn / get +adj. 变得… turn left/right 左转,右转 It’s one’s turn to do … 轮到某人做某事 2. yard ①cn. 院子 yards (pl.) in the yard 在院子里 school yard 校园 in the back yard在后院 3.right away 立刻,马上 =right now = at once = in a minute/moment She said,“I’ll do my homework right away.” She said she would do her homework right away. 4. task cn.任务,工作,作业 To catch up with other classes is not an easy task.But if we believe in ourselves,we will make miracles 奇迹. If you finish these tasks, we can go out to play tonight. ※work—(un.)泛指工作,其构成的复合词也不可数。 job—(cn.)具体的(一份)工作、职业等。 task—(cn.)工作、任务,无职业之意。 I didn’t finish those ______ until it was late. It is interesting _______. She found a _____ as a waiter. Miss Li assigned him a_____. 5. poster cn.海报 make some posters 制作海报,画海报 让我们为英语节画些海报吧! Let’s make some posters for the English Festival! put up posters 张贴海报 tasks work job task Warming up 4. Why not turn on the ceiling fan? 1. Could you please turn on the ceiling fan? Now it is a bit hot in our classroom and you want to ask Wang Xinjie turn on the ceiling fan .What can you sa



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