公开课 World-News课件ppt.ppt

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公开课 World-News课件ppt

Warm-up Q: What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment? Which countries do the flags belong to? Where do the pictures happen? Why? While-reading 1、How often do the G8 political leaders meet? A Once a year B Twice a year C Every two years D Three times a year 2、What might not be discussed at the G8 Summit in 2005 according to the news? A Poverty B Sex education C Health D Debt of Scotland 3、Who thought that to cancel the debt of Africa’s poorest countries was the only way for these nations to escape painful past? A The G8 leaders B People from all over the world C People from poor countries D People from the countries of G8 4、London beat _ at the last round of voting. A Moscow B Madrid C New York D Paris 5. Which of the following can be inferred from the two pieces of news? A. The G8 Summit is determined to solve all the problems around the world. B. Developed countries will help African countries to develop by cancelling their debts. C. By 2012, London had been the only city to host the Olympic Games three times. D. Prince William was present at the IOC meeting when they announced the news that London won the bid. 争分夺秒复习还是放松心情应考 [摘要]眼看五月过半,距离六月中高考已不足月,临战的高三学长们都铆足了劲,准备抓紧这最后几十天的时光,好好冲刺上一把,为自己的“大考”分数加点码。 ??不过,也有不少学生和家长有另一种想法,严密备战如此长久,已给学生造成不少压力,若不在考试前放松心情,反而影响临场发挥。那在临考前的最后半个月,学生和家长究竟是怎么想的?应该选择何种方式呢? 观点一:考前半个月“寸金难买寸光阴” 观点二:临考不能焦虑,“给孩子放松放松” 老师建议:按平时节奏最好,也可适当调节 * * * * * * * Unit 11 The Media Lesson 1 World News Objectives By the end of this class, you will have been able to know the structure of the news; catch the main idea through skimming and get specific information; write and talk about a piece of news; Asia The Middle East Syria Iran East Asia South China Sea North Korea What is the structure of the news? headline lead body the headline: the title of the news the lead: the fi



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