公开课件Module1 Deep South.pptx

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公开课件Module1 Deep South

;preserve agreement invest existence relation contribute recommend awareness;enlarge request precious apart from in return of vital importance at the mercy of remind sb of sth ;Teaching Aims;;;;Introduction ;has no land.;Check the ideas you have about the South Pole and add some more of your own.;Picture Show;North Pole;South Pole;whale;seal;glacier;Snow Mountain;南极日全食;Lichen (地衣);moss (苔藓);China;Reading Practice;What do you think are the dangers of life at the South Pole? The glare of the sunlight is very dangerous. It’s cold and dry. ;3. What advice do you think the writer will give you?;Read the passage, then answer the questions. Paragraph1. How many South Poles are there? What are they?;;; Paragraph5. How often do sunrise and sunset come? Once every six months. What’s it like to live here in the Winter? In the Winter the total absence of day light can be tiresome , depressing and isolated.;Paragraph6. True or False. 1.The South Pole scientific station is situated on a platform of ice. 2.We have a maximum of 125people living here in the Winter. 3. There’s a luxuries dormitory for sleeping. 4.We can often showers and laundry in the South Poles. 5.You can’t smoking except in specific areas.;Paragraph7-9. 1. Can you take photograph easily in South Pole? Why? No, photograph is tricky. Because film is fragile and the camera battery doesn’t work in the cold. 2. What can you leave in the place? Leave nothing but footprints.;Welcome to the South Poles!;Welcome to the South Poles!;Welcome to the South Poles!;Welcome to the South Poles!;Welcome to the South Poles!;Discussion ;Summary ;HOMEWORK;单词拼写,用文中出现过的单词填空. 1.If you fail your driving test for the first time,dont be d________. 2.He is a fine musician;its a p________to hear him play. 3.Buying a house can be a very t________business. 4.This door should only be used in an e________. 5.The bad news is________(令人沮丧的)。 6.The prisoner was set free in the________(缺乏)of firm evidence.



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