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六年级小升初英语阅读训练 1.阅读短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。 It is a sunny day. Two boys are talking about the question “Is the sun nearer to the earth(地球)in the morning or in afternoon?” One boy says, “The sun is nearer to the earth in the morning. Because it is bigger in the than in the afternoon.” But the other boy says, “The sun is nearer to the earth in the afternoon. Because we feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning. ( ) 1. It is a nice day. ( ) 2. The boys are having a lesson. ( ) 3. The sun is smaller in the afternoon than in the morning. ( ) 4. We feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning. ( ) 5. Both(都) of the boys are right. 2.阅读对话,判断所给句子是否与对话内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不符的用“F”表示。 A: Hello, Jenny. This is our school reading room. It is bigger than our classroom. B: Yes, Nancy. Look! There are a lot of books on the bookcases and many magazines on the desks. A: Do you like reading? B: Yes, of course. A: You see, some books are in Chinese , some are in English. B: Do you often come here and read books? A: Yes. Many students come here to read after school. And we often help to clean the reading room. The desks are cleaner than the bookcases. B: Oh, there’s a sing on the wall. A: It means we should keep quiet here. There isn’t any noise in it. B: So it is quieter than the other places (地方) in our school. I like this place. ( ) 1. The school reading room is bigger than any other classroom in the school. ( ) 2. All the books and magazines are in English. ( ) 3. The bookcase are magazines are in English. ( ) 4. The students often help to cleaner the reading ( ) 5. The classroom are quieter than the reading room. 3.阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。 Linda and I are good friends. Linda is a Japanese girl, but I’m a Chinese girl. She is thirteen years old, and I’m one year younger than her. But we’re in the same class, Class Two. Linda has a nice Frisbee(飞盘). She can throw(扔) it very well. I have a beautiful kite. I can fly it very well, bu


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