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总第__课时 课题 Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us. (Period 1) 教学 目标 1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tree planting day, air, place 2、句型:能用“be good for...”告知他人种树的好处;能用“I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth..”告知他人自己喜欢种树的意愿;能用“trees can keep...”表达种树的好处。 教学重、难点 能听懂、会说、认读新单词tree planting day, air, place;能听懂、会说词组plant trees ,keep the air clean,keep us cool,make the place beautiful。 理解、记忆B部分词组; make the place beautiful 的发音 教学 准备 Pictures, cards, recorder, tape CAI, Drawing Instrument 教学 过程 设计 教学过程 设计 Step 1 热身(warm-up) 1 Greetings 2 Look and say Step 2 新课呈现(presentation) 1、New words and new sentences (1)教学单词tree planting day T:there are so many festivals in china? One day we should plant more trees. Guess! Is it tree planting day? S:Yes it is tree planting day T:tree planting day(板书,带读) (2)教学句型“we enjoy ....”和核心词汇trees can keep the air clean,keep us cool, make the place beautiful T:we enjoy planting trees. It is good for us. We also enjoy doing sth else S:we enjoy playing games T:we enjoy reading books(板书we enjoy doing sth) T:Trees can keep us cool S:trees can keep the air clean T:trees can make the place beautiful(板书make,place;带读单词) (3)创设情境 教师用课件呈现planting trees的场景,引导学生用what,why,how等疑问词造句,对planting trees提问。 T:it is a planting day,why should we plant trees? Step3:趣味操练(practice) Game:planting trees can 教师按照planting trees can 将新短句的图片快速播放出来,全班分两组进行抢答。每说出一个句子,该组获一分,说错不计分。计时一分钟,多分者获胜。 教师可适当总结,告诉学生要保护树木,保护环境。 Step4:作业布置(homework) 1、听一听,读一读:听磁带,朗读课文A部分。 2、记一记:听写第八单元新单词。 查一查:了解更多关于植树的信息。 板书: 教学反思 总第__课时 课题 Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us. (Period 2) 教学 目标 1、词汇:能巩固、运用新单词和短句plant trees, keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful;能听懂、理解、会说新单词planting more trees, air, place. 2、句型:能在语境中灵活运用新句型“trees can keep..”谈论保护树木会有什么好处. 教学重、难点 能在语境中灵活运用新句型“trees can keep..”谈论保护树木的话题;能运用合适的阅读技巧进行阅读 理解D部分中的短语cut down, to grow rice, getting hotter, cool and fresh;能根据短文内容回答问题并正确写出答案 教学 准备 Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument 教学 过程 设计 教学过程 设计 Step 1 热身


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