六年级英语下册冀教版第Lesson8 Always Brush Your Teeth.ppt.ppt

六年级英语下册冀教版第Lesson8 Always Brush Your Teeth.ppt.ppt

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六年级英语下册冀教版第Lesson8 Always Brush Your Teeth.ppt

动词第三人称单数形式的构成接读音规则。 1、一般情况下词尾加-s.s在清辅音后读/s/.在浊辅音和元音后读/z/. run—runs help—helps stay—stays 2、以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的词,在词尾加-es, es读/iz/. pass—passes teach—teaches finish—finishes fix-fixes 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加es,es读/z/. cry—cries study—studies. 4、以辅音字母加o结尾的词,在词尾加-es。es读/z/.go—goes do--does 5、不规则变化。 Have—has Lesson8 Always Brush Your Teeth! New words: before /bi`f?: / prep. 在…之前 after /`a:ft? / prep.在…之后 brush /brΛ ∫ /v. 刷 teeth /ti:? / n. 牙齿 (tooth的复数) never/ `nev?/ adv.绝不,从来没有 bad /b? d/ adj. 有害的 get up 起床 next /nekst/ adv.紧接着 different /`difr?nt/ adv. 不同的 get up wash face brush teeth 1 Before and After Li Ming has breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. Before breakfast, he washes his hands and brushes his teeth. After breakfast, he goes to school. 李明在早上7:00吃早餐。早餐前,他洗手并刷牙。早餐后,他去上去。 Danny never brushes his teeth after dinner. That’s bad for his teeth. 丹尼晚餐后从不刷牙。那对他的牙齿是有害的。 What time does Li Ming eat breakfast? What does Li Ming do before breakfast? What does Li Ming do after breakfast? Li Ming eats breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. He brushes his teeth after breakfast He washes his hands before breakfast 2 Jenny’s week Jenny goes to school five times a week, from Monday to Friday. 珍妮一周去五次学校。从周一到周五。 She gets up at 7:00 in the morning. First, she washes her hands and face, and then she brushes her teeth. 她早上7:00起床。首先,她洗手和脸,然后刷牙。 Next, she has breakfast. Then she goes to school. 接下来,她吃早餐。然后,她去上学。 She works hard at school. 她在学校学习很努力。 Saturday and Sunday are different. Jenny doesn’t go to school on those days. 星期六和星期日是不同的。珍妮在那两天不去上学。 1 Jenny, what do you do before breakfast? 珍妮,你早餐前做什么? I brush my teeth. 我刷牙。 2 Why? 为什么? Because I want strong, healthy teeth. 因为我想要强壮、健康的牙齿。 3 Let’s do it. Look and write. Jenny gets up at 7:00. First, she washes her face and brushes her teeth. Next, she has breakfast. Then she goes to school. 7:10 7:15 7:20 7:30 What do I do every morning? Before I wash my face, I brush my teeth. Aft


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