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* Example 2000年6月 7. A) At a book store. B) At an art museum. C) At a newspaper office. D) At a gymnasium. M: Mary is in charge of the art and music section; and Charles, the sports page. What about you? W: Im responsible for the editorials. Q: Where does the woman work? 日常生活 1. 餐馆场景 restaurant 餐馆 dining hall 食堂 cafeteria 自助餐厅 inn 小旅馆,小客栈 bar 酒吧 motel 汽车旅馆 fast food 快餐店 snack food 小吃 snack bar 快餐店 pizza hut 必胜客 sandwich 三明治 hamburger 汉堡 burger king 汉堡王 French restaurant 法式餐厅 Italian restaurant 意式餐厅 食品: buffet 自助餐 French bread 法式面包 salad 沙拉 a loaf 一条面包 soup 汤 toast 土司 eat soup 喝汤 jam 果酱 soup spoon 汤匙 apple pie 苹果酱 table manners 饭桌礼仪 potato chips 土豆片 sauce 汁,酱 French fries 炸薯条 dessert 甜点 yoghourt 酸奶 pudding 布丁 soft drink 软饮料 main dish 主菜 soda water 苏打水 dressing 调味汁 mineral water 矿泉水 doughnut 面包圈 wine 酒 liquor 烈酒 动作: order dishes 点菜 bring me the menu 看菜单 recommendation 推荐,招牌菜 付账: pick up the bill 买单 I will pick up the table. Let me treat you. Its on me. I will buy the bill. AA制 Lets go fifty-fifty. separate checks split the bill Lets go Dutch. 各人付自己的帐 tip 小费 2. 医院场景 内科医生 physician 外科医生 surgeon 候诊室 waiting room 急诊室 emergency department 小诊所 clinic 医疗中心 health center 治疗室 infirmary 体检 check up / physical examination 体育锻炼 physical education 阿斯匹林 aspirin 剂量 dosage 吃药 take the pill 药方 prescription 打针 injection 抓药 fill the prescription 常见的生病症状: 症状 symptom 感冒 catch a cold 病愈 get over 发烧 fever 温度 temperature 咳嗽 cough 流鼻涕 running nose


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