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iBT TOEFL Writing 词汇用法 (1)必背词汇 ① 前进类:用来论证“好” 1,从….当中获益 benefit from/profit from… 想要了解过去的人能够从读书中获得益处。 People who want to know the past can benefit from/profit from reading books. 想要有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站更多信息的人们能够从互联网的 People who want to search more information can benefit from/profit from the amazing development of the internet. 2, …促进….的发展 …promote/boost the development of… 朝鲜的对外开放促进了它的经济的发展。 North Korea’s opening to the world has promoted/boosted the development of its economy. 2008年奥运会促进了中国旅游业的发展。 The 2008 Olympic Games promoted the development of Chinese travel industry. 3,… 对… 很重要 …act/play a vital (critical, significant) role in … 平凡人们的献身精神对于社会的发展很重要。 Devotion of common people plays a vital (critical, significant) role in the development of society. 4,丰富….的生活 enrich one’s experience… Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich students’ experience and make them capable in university. 在闲暇时间做兼职可以丰富一个人的经历。 Taking part time jobs in spare time can enrich one’s experience. 5,省时间又省钱 … is less time-consuming and more economical 在快餐店吃饭既省时间又省钱。 Eating meals in the fast food restaurant is less time-consuming and more economical. 6,开阔人的眼界 broaden one’s horizons 旅行既能开阔人的视野,又能放松人的身心。 Not only can traveling broaden one’s horizons, it can relax one’s body and soul as well. 7,发挥人的潜力 fulfill one’s potential 在跨国企业工作能够发挥人的潜力。 Working for a multinational corporation can fulfill one’s potential. 在压力下工作能够激发员工的潜力。 Working under pressure can help employees fulfill their potential. ② 倒退类:用来论证“坏” 1,导致犯罪 lead to crimes 对法律的忽视会导致犯罪。 The ignorance of law always leads to crimes. 媒体上广泛传播的暴力和色情常常导致年轻人犯罪。 The widespread violence and pornography on media often lead to youths’ crimes. 2,对… 沉迷/上瘾 be addicted to… be preoccupied with… 在当今社会,很多人都沉迷于不同形式的赌博。 In present-day society, a great many people are addicted to various forms of gambling. 3,以… 为代价 at the expense of… 我们不应当以环境为代价发展经济。 We should not develop economy at the expense of the environme


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