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关于征集中国—埃及可再生能源国家联合实验室 申报指南 联合实验室重点方向 参见附件 共建联合实验室主要内容 实验室硬件设备条件建设 开展联合研究 互派研究人员到方工作 人员培训 技术转移和孵化 为领域内两国其他机构企业开展合作渠道 项目要求 联合实验室以提高领域科技能力为目的。 鼓励 项目有可持续性,在年支持期结束后,能够。 项目执行期限 第一期资助经费拨付年,第一期经费拟于201年拨付。 我司将为分期提供不少于600万人民币的资助,用于联合实验室。经费将拨付至中方项目承担单位。鼓励中方项目承担单位提供配套经费。 申报要求 申报单位为依法在中国(大陆)境内设立, 项目团队应具有较强的科研开发实力和研究基础。 项目负责人需具有较强的责任心和较丰富的工作经验(包括国际科技合作经验),组织管理和协调能力强;能够投入足够的时间和精力 申报格式见附表,申报材料需由单位法定代表人(或委托授权人)签字并加盖单位公章。 申报材料纸质版一式3份,光盘1份 附件(英文): Form of Proposal Joint Laboratory Program Instruction: 1. This form of proposal should be filled out by applicant country’s government authorities in typewritten English 2. An official letter with a signature of the official with a position of Director-General and above from the Science and Technology Authority of the host country should be attached and sent to the Ministry of Science and Technology of China together with this form of proposal. I. Basic Information Basic Information about the proposed joint laboratory Host country Egypt Name of the proposed joint laboratory Renewable Energy Laboratory in Sohag for the Sustainable Development of the Renewable Energy Industry in Egypt Information about Science and Technology Authority of the host country Name Ministry of Scientific Research Address 101 Kasr Al-Ainy Street, Cairo, Egypt Name and Position of the contact person Prof. Dr. Hazem Mansour Assistant Minister of Scientific Research, Supervisor of International Relations Tel + 202+202 Fax + 202 E-mail hmansour@.eg Information about the host institute of the joint laboratory Name Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) Address 101 Kasr Al-Ainy Street, Cairo, Egypt Name and title of the contact person Amr AMIN - Professor Tel +20 1001069706 Fax +202 E-mail amrmaamin@ Profile of the host institute ASRT is a nonprofit organization, providing public service by ensuring independent, unbiased assessment of scientific activities, and by representing the scientific



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