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目的和要求 1.掌握滑膜关节的基本结构、辅助结构及其运动和分类。 2.掌握脊柱的组成及椎骨间的连结。 3.掌握骨性胸廓的组成,胸廓上、下口的形态及围成。 4.掌握颞下頜关节的组成、结构特点及运动。 5.了解肋与脊柱及胸骨的连结。 Section 1 The general description The bones are connected together by means of fibrous connective tissue,cartilaginous 软骨 or osseous骨tissues at different parts of their surfaces,and such a connection are called the joint or articulation.The joints are functional junctions between bones,they can be classified into two main types according to their junction form viz.: Ⅰ)Continuous joints 直接连结 Ⅱ) Discontinuous joints 间接连结 一、Continuous joints直接连结 (一)Fibrous joints 纤维连结 Bones are united by fibrous connective tissue. Syndesmosis 韧带连结 Suture 缝 二、Articulation(关节) and Synovial joints (滑膜关节) Basic structures (基本构造) Articular surface: covered by articular cartilage(关节面) Articular capsule (关节囊) Fibrous membrane Synovial membrane Articular cavity: (关节腔) containing a trace of synovial fluid; subatmospheric pressure in it Accessory structures(辅助结构) Ligaments(lig.): (韧带)extra- and intracapsular ligaments Articular disc and articular labrum(关节盘与唇) Synovial fold and synovial bursa(滑膜襞与滑膜囊) Movements of joints 关节运动 Translation 移动 Flexion and extension 屈和伸 Adduction and abduction 收和展 Rotation 旋转 Medial and lateral rotation 旋内和旋外 Pronation and supination 旋前和旋后 Inversion and eversion 足内翻和足外翻 Circumduction 环转 Classification of synovial joints(Selfstudy) Uniaxial joints Biaxial joints Multiaxial joints Articulations of Bones of Trunk 躯干骨的连结 (一) The Vertebral Column 脊柱 The vertebral column consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx. Joints of the vertebral bodies 椎体间的连结 Intervertebral discs 椎间盘 Joints of the vertebral bodies 椎体间的连结 Intervertebral discs椎间盘 Between bodies of adjacent vertebrae. Composed of:


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