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Getting on the Train Lesson 9 Learning Aims 1. 掌握重点词汇: get, get on, very, stop, stand, where, see, manna dialogue about getting on the train 2. 掌握 look 和 see的用法 New Words get v. 获得;拿到 get on 登上 very adv. 很;非常 stop v. 停止;阻止 onto prep. 到……上去 ready adj. 准备好的 stand v. 站立 where adv. 哪里 see v. (saw, seen) 看见 first num. 第一 man n. 男人 excuse v. n. 原谅 pardon n. v. 原谅, 宽恕 move v. 移动;搬动 problem n. 问题;难题 Do you argue with your friends? Why? Do you have a friend who gets very excited? Who? Why? Think about it Listening Which is Danny’s seat? Listen and answer Why is Jenny angry with Danny? Li Ming, Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Li are getting on the train. Danny is very excited. Stop! Don’t jump onto the train! The train is not ready! Please stand beside the train! Sorry! D: Where will we sit, Jenny? J: Look at your ticket, Danny. D: Oh! Let’s see…seat…32D… J: Danny! That’s your plane ticket to Canada! D: Oh! Mrs. Li, can you help me? ML: Sure! Danny. Get on the train. (Danny runs onto the train and sits in the first seat he sees.) M: (He speaks in Chinese.) Excuse me, but you are in my seat. D: Pardon me? Can you please speak English? Jenny, what did that man say? J: Danny! You have to move. This is Seat 1. You’re in Seat 5. D: Sorry! M: No problem. D: But where are our seats? ML: Here we are! You’re in Seat 5. I’m in Seat 7. Jenny and Li Ming are in Seat 8 and 9. D: Who is in Seat 6? ML: I don’t know. Draw a map of the inside of a train. Draw the seats and write their numbers. You should also draw the door, washroom, stairs and hot water room on the map. Describe your map to a partner, where do you like to sit? Why? Language points Do you argue with your friends? 你和你的朋友辩论吗? 【解析】 argue with sb. 和某人辩论,争论。 e.g. I often argue with my brother. 我经常和我弟弟辩论。 【拓展】 argue with sb. on/about sth. 与某人辩论某事 e.g. Tom is arguing with Danny on/about the film. 汤姆正与丹尼辩论那部电影。 Why is Jenny


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